Search Result for “financial aid”

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It's time to give China a taste of its own bad medicine

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 29/06/2018

» One of my mottos is: Don't criticise something unless you have a better idea. I've decried President Donald Trump's tariff tactics, so it's only fair I offer my own strategy for fighting a trade war with China -- one with a bigger chance of success and smaller downside risk.


Hard heads must prevail on N Korea

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 27/04/2018

» Hope is again rising on the Korean peninsula. Today, South Korea's President Moon Jae-in and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un will hold a summit in the Demilitarised Zone that has divided the two states for 65 years. The meeting raises the prospect that this pointless and anachronistic conflict can finally be brought to an end, or at the very least, that the tensions now threatening global security and world financial markets can be reduced.



US cannot win a trade war by itself

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 22/03/2018

» As US President Donald Trump prepares a wide-ranging package of tariffs and investment restrictions targeted at China, a trade war between the world's two most important economies looks unavoidable. On the face of it, the US might seem to have the leverage it needs to win. Since it runs a huge trade deficit with China, the Chinese have a lot more to lose.