Search Result for “festival”

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Water, water everywhere

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 11/04/2015

» We’ve all heard how water is good for your skin, and that drinking eight glasses of water a day can give you radiant skin. However, it turns out that there is no scientific to back it up. According to Australian nutritionist Speros Tsindos, the recommendation was driven by vested interests rather than health.


Pink-petalled pampering

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 31/03/2015

» The sakura season is in full bloom in Japan, but just because Thailand doesn't have sakura trees doesn't mean we can't enjoy the pulchritude of the pretty pink petals here. After all, Bangkok is a city where there are perhaps more Japanese restaurants than Thai restaurants. Bringing the Japanese tradition of celebrating the Cherry Blossom festival to town is a logical choice.


Fashion inspiration close to home

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 20/11/2014

» Singapore might be a shopping destination for tourists around the world, but most of the brands that travel back in the shoppers' suitcases are usually international. People usually go shopping for fashion products in Singapore because there is a notion that things are somehow cheaper.


Wang's got game

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 23/10/2014

» Collaboration between high-end brands and more affordable fashion houses is nothing new. In fact, it's grown a bit redundant over the years. Everyone plays this game, to the point that sometimes it loses its meaning and becomes just another fleeting marketing ploy.


Fauna-friendly fashion

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 27/09/2014

» The 10-day Vegetarian Festival which started last Wednesday and ends on Thursday is a good time to think about our consumption, not only of food but also in more general terms; about the impact that our lifestyle has on the lives of other creatures who share this world with us.



Now Showing style

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 25/07/2014

» At last year’s inaugural “Elle Fashion Film Festival”, fans turned out in droves and every screening was packed, from the back all the way to the very front row.


Fifa flavours

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 20/06/2014

» Food and football might not sound even remotely similar, but trust creative bakeries and restaurants to make them connect deliciously. To welcome the Fifa World Cup 2014, many eateries have released football-themed products to keep up with the craze.


Quest for the best

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 07/06/2014

» A lot of women feel intimidated by department-store beauty counters because the salespeople often glare if you try out some of the products on offer, but then decide against buying any. Here’s a great chance to try new products and feel like a boss, because you'll be there in the role of a judge.


Making deadlines a reality

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 23/05/2014

» Elle Thailand recently launched the Kingdom’s first fashion-magazine production reality TV show, inviting university students to take part in a project that allows them to work in a real publishing environment and gain invaluable experience. Elle20 Parakit Pid Lem (“mission to close an edition of the magazine” for Elle’s 20th anniversary) is a chance for finalists to produce the first Thailand issue of a periodical called Elle Girl, which is due to be released in September this year.



For want of a better word

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 15/04/2014

» ‘My friend called me a retard. I am going to jump off the building, so I can die and come back in the next life as an ordinary person,” a 14-year-old autistic student told his teacher, quite matter-of-factly. He was not challenging his teacher. He was not trying to get his friend into trouble. He was just saying what he thought out loud, not even aware of how shocking his words were.