Search Result for “fawlty towers”

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The train robbery that gripped a nation

Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/08/2023

» Last week on television I watched the two-part series The Great Train Robbery, an intriguing account of the audacious heist that made headlines in Britain all those years ago. It slowly dawned on me that this month is the 60th anniversary of that extraordinary robbery which took place on August 8, 1963, on the Royal Mail train from Glasgow to London. Frightening how time flies.


It's important to know your onions

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/02/2023

» There was a news photograph recently in which a Filipina bride in Iloilo on the island of Panay carried a bouquet of onions down the aisle rather than flowers. She explained that while flowers would soon be thrown away the onions would last and ensure the newlyweds have something to eat in the ensuing weeks. Now that is a practical housewife.


Once upon a time there were no mobiles

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/08/2022

» The other day in a restaurant I watched some Thai youngsters who appeared much more interested in their smartphones than what they were eating. Their obvious phone skills made me quite envious but also just a little melancholy -- a reminder of how much things have changed since my early days, otherwise known as the Stone Age.


Memories of serious cereal behaviour

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/09/2020

» The recent PostScript column concerning the unlikely combination of bathroom submarines and cornflakes prompted a number of seasoned readers to recall their childhood breakfast delights.


August can be a very wicked month

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/08/2020

» My goodness, we are already into August, but with the coronavirus it feels like the year has hardly got started. Six months seem to have simply disappeared and worse, I've got a year older with nothing to show for it but a few more wrinkles. I also have an uncomfortable feeling I will still be wearing a face mask next August.



Rodents are simply a master of taste

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/08/2018

» There was a news report last week about the arrest on the Cambodian border of a gentleman smuggling 800kgs of dead rats. Imagine that. There are plenty of ways to make money through smuggling, but bootlegging deceased rodents is not one that immediately springs to mind.



Getting hung up over telephone boxes

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/08/2017

» While walking along Silom Road the other day, I spotted a young lady making a call from a phone box. Now you don't see that very often these days -- a Thai woman without a smartphone. She must have been in a state of distress. Perhaps she was calling the police station to inform them her smartphone had been stolen.



Farewell Manuel, the world's worst waiter

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/12/2016

» I was saddened to hear of the death last week of the actor Andrew Sachs, whose portrayal of Manuel, the Spanish waiter in the iconic British TV series <i>Fawlty Towers</i>, will be fondly remembered by fans around the world.


Curious case of the cart, the court and the coffee

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/10/2013

» Most entertaining tale of the week features Starbucks taking a Thai fellow with a cart to court for allegedly pinching their logo with his mobile ''Starbung'' coffee operation.


'Thailand's Mr Bean' makes new friends

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/05/2013

» A Thai reader recently asked me the meaning of the expression ''not the full shilling''. He was referring to remarks by Scottish snooker star Stephen Maguire about Thailand's Dechawat Poomjaeng, who beat Maguire in a huge upset in the world championship a couple of weeks ago. A classic underdog, Dechawat won over the crowd, commentators and TV audience with his unintentionally comical behaviour, prompting references to him as ''Thailand's Mr Bean''.