Search Result for “fatal”

Showing 61 - 70 of 86



More excuses from the army

News, Editorial, Published on 25/08/2018

» In the wake of another assault occurring within a military unit that resulted in a 22-year-old conscript, Kacha Pacha, falling into a coma, army chief Chalermchai Sitthisad has assured there will be an investigation and that the wrongdoers will be punished.



Laos dam disaster a warning for Thailand

News, Editorial, Published on 05/08/2018

» The breach of Xe Pian Xe Namnoy dam in southern Laos that killed dozens of villagers, with several still missing, should be a wake-up call for Thai authorities who this week issued disaster warnings while rolling up their sleeves for possible incidents.



Flight report fails mission

News, Editorial, Published on 01/08/2018

» Malaysian investigators have written and released what they initially called a "final report" on the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight 370. Unfortunately, the report added no new information to what caused the aircraft to turn from its scheduled flight plan from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and then finally crash in a remote part of the Indian Ocean. It was met immediately with both protests and suspicion of cover-up.



Cut corners take toll in bus crashes

News, Editorial, Published on 25/03/2018

» The road accident involving a double-decker bus that killed 18 holiday-makers and injured 30 more this week indicates that serious safety flaws remain in the nation's public transport.



Time to bite bullet on rabies scourge

News, Editorial, Published on 11/03/2018

» The rabies situation in this country requires utmost serious attention. Last week The Protection and Disease Control Office declared 13 provinces red zones for the fatal disease which killed three people this year.



Hunting saga haunts regime

News, Editorial, Published on 08/03/2018

» More than a month after the Thungyai Naresuan hunting saga involving a multi-billionaire flared up, police handling the case have categorically failed to secure the public's trust. This is a shame.



DSI's shot to the foot

News, Editorial, Published on 26/12/2017

» The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) was conceived and promoted as the nation's most elite, incorruptible and trustworthy arm of law enforcement. In recent weeks, the force has met none of those standards. An investigation by the "regular" police has turned up astounding evidence against the DSI. It not only indicates gross incompetence. It occurred in one of the most important criminal investigations, a case that concerns the entire public.



Justice system is failing everyone

News, Editorial, Published on 01/10/2017

» The wrongful conviction of a fried pork vendor that hit the media headlines this past week attests to the fact that a pledge by those at the top of the Justice Ministry to get serious about the long overdue reform of the justice system is not going anywhere. Phisit Suwanpim, the vendor, was wrongfully convicted of stealing diamond jewellery worth about 15 million baht on Dec 28 last year. He was arrested in February this year by Bang Sao Thong police and, despite a plea for innocence, was thrown into jail, where he spent some six months.



Bribery rank set to worsen

News, Editorial, Published on 09/09/2017

» Thailand returned to the spotlight for the wrong reason again last week as a new report on corruption ranked it as the third-worst country in the world in terms of bribery after India and Vietnam.


Deaths sully army image

News, Editorial, Published on 26/08/2017

» Another young conscript has died in mysterious circumstances. This time the incident took place at a military base in Surat Thani.