Search Result for “fast food”

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Building comfort

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 25/04/2022

» Micah Tamthai loves travelling. His most recent adventure was a three-week road trip through the western United States last September after travel restrictions were eased.



Searching within

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 17/01/2022

» At first sight, Anthony Tan doesn't look much like his publicity photograph. His grey hair is short and in the stage of growing back after having been shaved. So are his eyebrows. The explanation? He recently spent some time ordained as a monk.



Taking good care

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 21/06/2021

» As the head of Bayer's consumer health division in Southeast Asia, Alvin So is committed to improving people's lives. It's a big challenge given that more than half of the region's 655 million people lack access to healthcare products and health education.



Shall we spend?

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 24/05/2021

» Covid-19 has upended the life we know. The protracted global pandemic has stripped income and jobs from millions, forcing consumers to change their behaviours amid health concerns, and to reconsider how to spend their money amid an uncertain economic outlook.



On the platforms

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 15/03/2021

» Work is no longer something that takes place only in brick-and-mortar stores, high-rise office buildings or factories, but also in virtual space, thanks to the rise of fast and always-on information technology.



Helping Nature help itself

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 21/12/2020

» Decades of rapid economic growth and urbanisation have been marked by excessive exploitation of natural resources, particularly fossil fuels and forests, across the planet. The environmental and social consequences of such development are more evident than ever, especially in Asia.



Ready to deliver

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 23/11/2020

» Emerging from a fortnight in quarantine after returning from his home country Malaysia, Tien-long Woon is eager to get back to business in Thailand. “Fantastic” is the word he uses to describe his first reaction to the world outside and a taste of local ice-cream to celebrate.



Change on the menu

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 02/11/2020

» Food is among the necessities of life, and maintaining the complex supply chains that keep us all fed is a challenge at the best of times, let alone during a pandemic. Covid-19 has also changed consumption behaviour, forcing companies of all sizes in the food and agriculture industry to rethink the way they do business.