Search Result for “estate assets”

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Faith and fortune

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 29/05/2024

» Mazu, a Chinese sea goddess, is believed to grant wishes. Hence, people visit the Mazu Shrine (Chao Mae Tubtim Shrine) in Lhong 1919, the historic Bangkok riverfront area, to pray.



Your horoscope for Apr 5-11

Guru, Chaiyospol Hemwijit, Published on 05/04/2024

» Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.



Deconstructing carbon

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 26/11/2021

» Beyond attractive and functional design, making sure properties are friendly to both people and planet is now a common goal of the real estate sector. Operating with environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices in mind is today's pressing agenda and also the way of the future.



Street art scenes

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 19/03/2020

» Samut Songkhram has launched Street Art in Muang district to promote tourism.



Horoscope 2019

Life, Published on 02/01/2019

» Month by month predictions for The Year Of The Pig.



Mementos of the meltdown

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 03/07/2017

» This month marks the 20th anniversary of the 1997 'Tom Yum Kung Crisis', the landmark financial crash that left investors in shock, employees in tears and the economy in tatters. As hard lessons are still being learned, Life looks back at colourful memories from one of the seismic events that has helped define modern Thailand.



Putting financial catastrophe on display

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 15/03/2017

» Can you imagine, Thailand's economy was once recognised by World Bank as the fastest-growing in the world? As tough as it is for younger generations to comprehend, those older than 35 remember a better, more hopeful time for Thailand, tipped to become the Fifth Tiger of Asia, poised to join Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan as Asia's leading economies. Our national economy grew 8-13% annually for a decade between 1985 to 1996, and the income of the average Thai citizen was three times that of someone in China.



Cinema scope

Life, Published on 12/07/2016

» Decades have passed since the residents of Bang Rak have been able to count a proper cinema in their vicinity. The tight-knit neighbourhood -- sited near the river and the financial downtown of Silom -- is known for its kaleidoscopic mix of architecture, mom-and-pop businesses and narrow streets, and the district was once home to several stand-alone cinemas all within walking distance of each other. Over the years, those cinemas went out of business as Bangkok expanded to the north and east, and disinvestment gradually drained the old-fashioned district of some vitality.