Search Result for “eligible”

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Respect my right to vote

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 30/01/2014

» Come this Sunday, Feb 2, you don’t have to respect my vote. But you do have to respect my democratic rights, one of which is the right to vote.


Keeping it in the Pheu Thai family

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 17/10/2013

» There’s a move by the Pheu Thai government. One that is not motivated by democracy, but rather a power grab in the guise of democracy. It can only fool the gullible. That move is the expansion of family-controlled politics.


Thailand in continual shutdown

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 03/10/2013

» Modern-day democracy started with the United States. Today the US government is shut down by those very people who were elected to make the government function - people employing a political tactic, in the midst of a political squabble, motivated by the goal of political power.



Don't make senate a family affair

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 25/08/2013

» Let's entertain the idea that's generating so much talk and controversy around the country, the amendment of the law on how senators are selected. If we are to change a law, there ought to be a benchmark, and that benchmark should be the principles of democracy.


Welcome to Thakland

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 22/08/2013

» Amnesty is so last week. It will come back again. But this week is all about the proposed change to the way senators are selected, which down the road could very well lead to a democratic dictatorship of "Thakland".


Political gambit being played out at The Hague

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 25/04/2013

» If you want a moral-based analysis of politics, go see a monk. You would then feel good about yourself, but still wouldn’t understand politics. If you want to understand politics, read a political analysis, but then you would hate politics.


Thailand, where no charge is ever too absurd

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 10/01/2013

» If the Pheu Thai government can either round up 23 million referendum votes or just simply bulldoze the constitution change proposal through parliament, then I will tip my hat, even if I don’t wear a hat.