Search Result for “election”

Showing 461 - 470 of 562



Stop silencing the people

News, Editorial, Published on 22/07/2017

» Army chief Chalermchai Sittisart's recent decision to dismiss a call by 176 Thai and foreign academics for a relaxation or cessation of the rules that stop people from expressing their civil rights -- for example the ban on political gatherings -- comes as no surprise.



Time to set poll dates

News, Editorial, Published on 28/06/2017

» The country's only election for governor is supposed to take place next year. Bangkok is a special case in national administration. All provinces are governed by appointees from the top echelons of the Ministry of Interior bureaucrats, but the capital has elected its own governor since 1975. That is, until now. The current Bangkok governor is a junta appointee, and the election originally scheduled for 2018 is not yet in sight.



Export high owes itself to good luck

News, Editorial, Published on 25/06/2017

» Although Thai exports rose to a four-year high last month, it's still too early to pop the champagne. There remain many challenges ahead for the market. After all, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that exports rose largely due to luck.



Too late to halt 2018 poll

News, Editorial, Published on 20/06/2017

» Almost four weeks ago, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha veered away from his usual Friday evening listing of accomplishments. In an unusual departure, the prime minister turned to partisan politics. He unveiled what he called his four key questions about election and politicians, and asked the public to send him their answers. The obvious implication, which was drawn by the whole country, is that he is considering yet another delay to national elections and a return to the democratic process he first promised for 2015.



Don't rush Thai-Sino rail

News, Editorial, Published on 15/06/2017

» The Prayut Chan-o-cha government is set to use Section 44 to speed up the Thai-Sino railway project which is behind schedule due to legal and technical reasons.



No reason to derail polls

News, Editorial, Published on 01/06/2017

» It was no surprise that the "four questions" raised by Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha last Friday sparked public anxiety about a possible delay to the long-awaited elections. Many interpreted them as a strong hint of a postponement by the premier.



Vietnam's foot in Trump door

News, Editorial, Published on 31/05/2017

» The first Asean leader to visit the White House since the election will meet President Donald Trump tonight. While Mr Trump made personal invitations to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, it's not either of them. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc will get a foot in the door and a leg up on relations with the new US administration.



Hold the birthday cake

News, Editorial, Published on 22/05/2017

» The military regime of former army commander Prayut Chan-o-cha and his junta turn three today. Champagne and birthday cake aren't on the menu. The main achievement in 2014 of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) was to stop the street protests and occasionally deadly violence of clashing political beliefs. Three years on, that is still the regime's top accomplishment. Gen Prayut promised to address and solve root problems but has made no progress in either.



Ahok case spreads hate

News, Editorial, Published on 15/05/2017

» The combination of a guilty verdict followed by a two-year jail sentence is the worst court judgement in a long time. The man on the receiving end is the governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known by his nickname, Ahok. He was convicted of blasphemy, one of most nebulous of thought crimes. The verdict makes Indonesia directly exposed to imminent violence of the most destructive kind. And the hatred the court promoted will spread through the region.



Suu Kyi must let help in

News, Editorial, Published on 13/05/2017

» Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi should accept a call by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to allow its aid workers access to people caught up in a conflict that has displaced tens of thousands.