Search Result for “earth”

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Upgrade now for free Windows 10

Life, James Hein, Published on 18/05/2016

» On July 29 this year, the free upgrade path to Windows 10 will be shut down by Microsoft leaving you with something like US$119 (4,200 baht) to pay if in the future you ever decide to upgrade. Like most aspects of the digital world, there are things you can do to "reserve" your copy of Windows 10 if you do decide to upgrade after that date.


Size counts in the world of IT

Life, James Hein, Published on 04/05/2016

» When it comes to implementing systems, it is all about scale. If you have ever been a system tester you will know that what works one at a time may not work well if a whole bunch of them are processed all at once. Those who have ever used an old fashioned typewriter will understand this. Volume testing and scalability of system is one of the biggest problems a development testing team faces.


Groupthink is so Orwellian

Life, James Hein, Published on 22/07/2015

» I have been using the internet since it first became public. In the early days the main aim was basic communication and the sharing of information. It was actually a lot easier to find information quickly back then because the groups and sites tended to be highly focused. Discussion groups were often moderated and if you strayed too far from the central theme of the group you were encouraged to look elsewhere.


Web of possibility

Life, James Hein, Published on 19/11/2014

» A decade ago the PC was the primary way that millions of people, mostly running a Windows operating system, interacted with companies and applications. At that same time many used Microsoft Office for building documents and Internet Explorer was the browser king of the era after deposing Netscape.


Why digital tagging can be both a gift and a curse

Database, James Hein, Published on 22/12/2010

» Long time readers will know that I support the idea of Google Maps, Google Earth and even Street View. There are a myriad of excellent uses that such technologies can be out to. Like most tools, they can be used in different ways, especially if they are combined with other technologies.


How to get around your ISP or country's restrictions

Database, James Hein, Published on 21/07/2010

» Internet control around the world seems to be settling out into a number of different camps. On the one hand there are the open Internet societies such as you might find in places like the United States. Next are those places that specifically restrict subject matter on a case by case basis if it causes some offence, like Qatar, Pakistan and Bangladesh. At the bottom of the stack or the restrictive nations that actively censor all manner of sources, like you may find in places like China and North Korea. Places like Thailand are not as free as the US but nowhere near as restrictive as China.


What's in a name? On the net, who knows

Database, James Hein, Published on 03/03/2010

» How much can you trust an Internet Domain? When you go to, say, http://www.reliableshopping. com, how much can you find out about it? Theoretically when a domain is registered it should have information on who did so. You can use tools like to do a quick check. In the case of the site above, I found it is owned by Trying to look it up found even less info, but I did ascertain that the domain will expire soon.