Search Result for “drug suspects”

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Brazil: The hard right wins again

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/10/2018

» A man who makes Donald Trump look like a bleeding-heart liberal will almost certainly be Brazil's next president. Jair Bolsonaro won 46% of the vote in Sunday's first round of the Brazilian presidential election, with 12 other candidates running. Fernando Haddad, who will face him alone in the run-off in three weeks' time, got only 29%.


Only the poor end up dying screaming

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 11/01/2018

» If you had a million dollars to spend (but not on yourself), where would it do the most good? Well, the cost to cover morphine or a morphine-equivalent pain relief treatment for all the sick children younger than 15 years who are in really serious pain in low-income countries would be just $1 million (33.4 million baht) per year. About half of them of those children are going to die, but with morphine at least they wouldn't die screaming.


Sperm flop threatens extinction

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 31/07/2017

» 'I tried counting mine once, but I went blind with exhaustion," tweeted one reader of the BBC website after it reported that sperm counts were down by half in the past 40 years all over the developed world. And it's true: they are hard to count. The little buggers just won't stay still.