Search Result for “drug”

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Musk's Neuralink says cleared for human test of brain implants

AFP, Published on 26/05/2023

» SAN FRANCISCO - Elon Musk's start-up Neuralink on Thursday said it has gotten approval from US regulators to test its brain implants in people.



Cracking the covert app that exposed Europe's drug gangs

AFP, Published on 30/11/2022

» BRUSSELS - From torture and murder in the Netherlands and Serbia to an unprecedented web of corruption in Belgium, the Sky ECC investigation has shone a light into some of Europe's darkest corners.



TikTok search results rife with misinformation: report

AFP, Published on 15/09/2022

» SAN FRANCISCO: TikTok is serving up misinformation to users searching for news about politics, climate change, Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and more, according to a report released Wednesday.


Hundreds of US companies sell unapproved 'stem cell treatments'

AFP, Published on 01/07/2016

» MIAMI - Hundreds of companies across the United States are selling unapproved stem cell treatments directly to patients, raising concern about safety and scams in a fast-growing industry, researchers said Thursday.


Encryption row spotlights fears on security, privacy

AFP, Published on 27/04/2016

» WASHINGTON - Has encryption technology given the bad guys a way to operate in the dark? Or has the new tech age gifted law enforcement with unprecedented surveillance powers?


'We have not provided source code to China': Apple

AFP, Published on 20/04/2016

» WASHINGTON - Apple has not provided its underlying software instructions or "source code" to China, the company's top lawyer said Tuesday, seeking to quash rumors about the iPhone maker's data security.


US keeps Apple encryption battle alive in drug case

AFP, Published on 09/04/2016

» NEW YORK - The US government on Friday kept its encryption battle with Apple alive, pressing the high-tech giant to help crack an iPhone in a drug case in New York.


NSA chief worries about cyber attack on US infrastructure

AFP, Published on 02/03/2016

» SAN FRANCISCO - US National Security Agency chief Michael Rogers warned Tuesday that hackers will inevitably mount a cyber attack against US infrastructure, similar to the power failure in western Ukraine last year.


Apple fight on iPhone access extends to other cases

AFP, Published on 23/02/2016

» WASHINGTON - Apple is battling the US government over accessing locked devices in at least 10 cases around the country, in addition to the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino attackers, court documents show.


Internet is growing market for illegal drugs, says EU watchdog

AFP, Published on 11/02/2016

» LISBON - The Internet is now a growing and varied market place for trading illegal drugs in Europe, the European Union's watchdog agency said on Thursday.