Search Result for “driving causing”

Showing 131 - 140 of 140


Long-term risk of rice pledging

News, Published on 19/09/2012

» Once again the government's flagship rice-pledging scheme has returned with a vengeance to the front pages and public debate, as the cabinet approved a budget of 405 billion baht to extend the programme into its second year, until September 2013. Conditions remain essentially unchanged.


Tide of distrust

News, Published on 15/09/2012

» Never again _ trust us


Traffic police change tactics

News, Published on 01/09/2012

» A new policy of leniency towards drivers committing minor traffic offences comes into action today in all nine of the capital's metropolitan police divisions with warning tickets replacing fines for first-time offenders. Although these citations carry no penalties, the names of wrongdoers will be entered into a traffic police database which will flag an alert if they are ever stopped for committing a similar offence. If, or more likely, when, that happens, leniency for that particular driver will be at an end and the full force of the law applied. That would also be a good time to introduce compulsory driver re-education programmes for repeat offenders.



Blood tests discriminatory

News, Published on 01/07/2012

» I am an instructor at a prominent university in Bangkok and I am increasingly concerned at the increasing trend of xenophobia within institutions relating to foreign employees in Thailand, particularly those employed in education.


Making the post-flood recovery a stable one

News, Published on 09/05/2012

» The past few months have continued to test the resilience of economies around the globe with shocks of historic proportions. After the Japanese earthquake and tsunami disrupted production near the beginning of 2011, the sharp economic downturn in Europe in the year's last quarter weakened its export demands from Asia, reversed capital flows and brought down growth markedly across the Asia-Pacific region.


You get what you deserve

News, Published on 05/05/2012

» Re: ''You're imagining it, says PM'' (BP, May 4).


World suffering a sustainability crisis

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 26/04/2012

» The annual spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have provided a window into two fundamental trends driving global politics and the world economy. Geopolitics is moving decisively away from a world dominated by Europe and the United States to one with many regional powers but no global leader. And a new era of economic instability is at hand, owing as much to physical limits to growth as to financial turmoil.


Execution can be just

News, Published on 20/04/2012

» Arnaud Dubus (''Death sentence abhorrent'', Postbag, April 12) cites the case for the abolition of the death penalty based on the possibility of an innocent person being executed. His point is taken. But he is merely highlighting a weakness in the justice process that is shared in many areas of life.


Perfumed joss stick

News, Published on 30/01/2012

» I taught at universities in Bangkok for several years and how I wish I had had students like Abhinya Sawatvarakorn (''Joss Stick stands alone, defiant and unapologetic'', Sunday Post, Jan 29).


Safety is not an accident

News, Published on 28/01/2012

» Some cultures in the developed world have become so obsessed with safety awareness that they seem to have lost sight of common sense. It is hard to know what to make of reported bans on skipping ropes and knitting needles. The warning on a packet of peanuts that it "contains nuts" is one example of the abundance of pointless and seemingly needless cautionary signs stating the obvious.