Search Result for “done”

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Factors inflaming America's political meltdown

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 14/08/2017

» The US is in the midst of a political meltdown, unable to manage a domestic economic agenda or a coherent foreign policy. The White House is in turmoil; Congress is paralysed; and the world is looking on in astonishment and dread. If we are to survive and overcome this collapse, we must understand its sources.



Actions of West led to blowback terrorism

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 24/11/2015

» Terrorist attacks on civilians, whether the downing over Sinai of a Russian aircraft killing 224 civilian passengers, the horrific Paris massacre claiming 129 innocent lives, or the tragic bombing in Ankara that killed 102 peace activists, are crimes against humanity. Their perpetrators -- in this case, the Islamic State (IS) -- must be stopped. Success will require a clear understanding of the roots of this ruthless network of jihadists.



Need for change clear as UN turns 70

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 23/08/2015

» The United Nations will mark its 70th anniversary when world leaders assemble next month at its headquarters in New York. Though there will be plenty of fanfare, it will inadequately reflect the UN’s value, not only as the most important political innovation of the 20th century, but also as the best bargain on the planet.


Attacks' roots are Middle East wars

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 20/01/2015

» French Prime Minister Manuel Valls was not speaking metaphorically when he said that France is at war with radical Islam. There is, indeed, a fully-fledged war underway, and the heinous terrorist attacks in Paris were part of it. Yet, like most wars, this one is about more than religion, fanaticism, and ideology. It is also about geopolitics, and its ultimate solution lies in geopolitics as well.


Ebola shows need for health rethink

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 19/08/2014

» The horrific Ebola epidemic in at least four West African countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria) demands not only an emergency response to halt the outbreak; it also calls for rethinking some basic assumptions of global public health.


US must end dangerous policy of Middle East meddling

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 05/09/2013

» As the US Congress considers whether to authorise American military intervention in Syria, its members should bear in mind a basic truth: While Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly used extreme violence to retain power, the United States _ and other governments in the Middle East and Europe _ share responsibility for turning Syria into a killing field.