Search Result for “district hospital”

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The women of Wanita

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 08/03/2017

» Nine years ago, Ropita Mahamat almost lost her son in a shooting incident, a dishearteningly familiar story in the Deep South. One night at 9pm in Pattani, her son was picking a relative from a pondok school when unidentified gunmen opened fire on him -- or, more likely, on someone else, though the bullets hit him. This circumstance, like so many similar ones in the region, was never clearly explained.



Rocker's run for healthcare raises funds … and questions

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 13/12/2016

» It became a social phenomenon that has led to inspirational debates. On Saturday Artiwara Kongmalai, known as Toon of the rock band Bodyslam, completed his 400km run from Bangkok to Bang Saphan district in Prachuab Kiri Khan in a 10-day charity super-marathon. The singer raised 63 million baht, a whopping amount that will go to the improvement of a public hospital in Bang Saphan, where Artiwara moved to live two years ago.



Rocker running for a cause

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 29/11/2016

» Live fast, die young. Rock stars and good health aren't historically compatible -- that's how popular belief goes. Not really, that's just a myth that sticks; just ask Artiwara Kongmalai. Known to millions as Toon, the frontman of Thailand's perennially stadium-packing rock group Bodyslam confesses to his twin passions: music (of course) and running. He can't even decide which comes out on top. "I'll take both. Can't I?" he implores.



Romancing Bangkok

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 26/08/2016

» Paris had Paris Je T'aime, New York had New York I Love You. Now Bangkok has its own film ensemble drawn from different neighbourhoods of the city. Bangkok Stories, a portmanteau of six films telling tales of brief encounters and nebulous romance, will premier tonight at the 20th Short Film and Video Festival at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, before going on to cinema and television release later.



All aboard for a scary trip down South

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 09/04/2016

» The news reads: Hard-line critics of the regime will be sent to take intensive "training courses" in the Deep South. The National Council of Peace and (dis)Order (NCPO) has confirmed the courses in the camps, which will be longer and more rigorous than the regular attitude adjustment series.



Short on action

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 21/11/2014

» Poor Katniss Everdeen, your heart is pure but your fate isn't yours to decide, and while the working-class revolution explodes and the "we burn, you burn" rally echoes, you look on and wonder if you're a piece or a player, a pawn or a plotter.



Night hasn't yet fallen

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 22/08/2012

» Ying Liang first heard he couldn't go home when he called his mother in China. He was then in South Korea, and soon the news was confirmed by the police: should he set foot back in Shanghai, where his family lives, the film-maker will face arrest.