Search Result for “delivery process”

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Lenovo expounds on 'AI for All' vision

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 10/04/2024

» Lenovo is transitioning from a PC company into a global technology powerhouse by empowering customers' digital intelligence transformation in the age of artificial intelligence (AI), says a senior executive.



The future of AI is LAM

Life, James Hein, Published on 14/02/2024

» After my earlier article, I realised I was somewhat scant on what a Large Action Model (LAM), also called Large Agentic Models, are. As already mentioned, these have derived from the Large Language Models (LLM), or what people now refer generically as AI, discussed before.



The cloud-native app economy

Business, Published on 06/01/2023

» Cloud-native platforms will serve as the foundation for more than 95% of new digital initiatives by 2025 -- up from less than 40% in 2021, the IT research company Gartner predicted.


Tech consultancy competition heats up

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 16/12/2022

» Competition in technology consulting services in Thailand is expected to intensify as players ramp up investment and raise funds in the stock market.



Edit your apps

Life, James Hein, Published on 01/07/2020

» - I've never been a Twitter user as I find that platform full of bullies and one-sided, poorly researched commentary. By comparison I am now active on Parler, which is a similar platform, but is not restricted to only those ideas that Twitter supports. It is populated by people whose ideas I enjoy reading. If you are bored with the Twits on Twitter then come on over to Parler as an alternative.



Got those work from home blues

Life, James Hein, Published on 20/05/2020

» Working from home is fine if everything is working. I use a two-monitor set-up with one for work and the other for home use. The work monitor reverts back to home use when the end of the day comes. Both monitors run off a Display Port connection from each of the graphics cards. Last week, one of the monitors decided to stop working. At first, I was thinking of a quick way to get a new monitor but after a bit of reflection, I plugged the non-working one into an HDMI port on my home computer and it worked just fine. Thinking it was the cable, I ordered a new one but when it arrived, the monitor still didn't work with the Display Port so it was obvious that port had stopped working.



AI -- what is it good for?

Life, James Hein, Published on 28/08/2019

» Why do we care about machine learning and the kind of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems I mentioned last time? The amount of data being taken in by systems in modern times is outstripping the ability of humans to keep up. Enter machine learning systems to pre-process the information, highlight patterns and identify the bits and pieces that humans may find interesting. Key areas include fraud detection, whereby a set of rules is applied to data and flagged if those rules are detected. It also includes the age-old problem of the best delivery routes to bring manufactured goods to customers, with the additional benefit of using less fuel. A recent McKinsey report found that AI improved on "traditional analytics techniques" in 400 use cases across 19 industries and nine business functions. As far as the current situation, AI or machine learning is not an end state. Human intervention is still required to make sure the results make sense and also to ensure stuff isn't being missed in the process. There is also continuing training and refinement being regularly applied. It's a growing field and those organisations that are not at least aware of it could be left behind by their competitors. At least, until Skynet takes over.



Serving up quality start-ups

Life, AKIN, Published on 31/05/2017

» Besides UberEats, Line Man and Foodpanda, new application IndieDish is the latest to have jumped onto the bandwagon as a food-delivery-service provider. The mobile application has curated healthy food, drinks and snacks in one place, offering everything from traditional Thai dishes to fusion.


Data security is of utmost importance

Life, James Hein, Published on 29/06/2016

» If you are a security manager or in charge of a company's PCs, when it comes to what people can do on their machine I have a few warnings for you. I recently went through the process of a new Ops Manager at work deciding to limit access on my PC to the point where I couldn't even see the contents of a ZIP file anymore,making it impossible to do some aspects of the job. This lasted for a couple of days and while it was possible to have someone else do it for me that wasn't the point, it was the issue of security becoming so restrictive that I couldn't do my work. I'm sure that there are many readers that have experienced this at some time or other but in the modern age for it still to be occurring is either a lack of thinking about consequences or perhaps an indication that those it happens to should start looking for a new job.



Apple makes buying online -- in English -- harder

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 07/10/2015

» Last Wednesday, not only was there the expected update to OS X, with El Capitan, but version 9.0.2 of iOS 9 was also released and my iOS devices were updated quickly. The first download of El Capitan for my MacBook Pro failed and I had to start again. I also downloaded an update for the MacBook. I left the downloads running and when I came back from lunch, they were ready to roll. I installed the new OS X on two machines at the same time and both were good.