Search Result for “day help”

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Micro oases in the concrete jungle

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 07/08/2023

» Created from a scrap of land, a pocket park is a micro oasis of landscaped nature that can breathe new life into grey Bangkok. Spread across a lawn, flowers, shrubs and trees provide respite from the hustle and bustle. The use of solar cells does not cause any pollution. Its universally designed walkway is well-catered to all groups of visitors, including the disabled and elderly. Inside, there is a small space for exercise and leisure.



A sustainable model

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 26/07/2023

» Over a decade ago, Aracha Boon-Long embarked on her first journey to Doi Luang Chiang Dao. No signal. Silence. Sometimes, the forest made strange sounds at night. Only when she made it to the summit, a herd of gorals appeared and lay down basking in the first daylight. It is the moment when life begins. She thought to herself how small she is in the face of nature. What could she do to protect her home?



Giving a face to the forgotten

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 29/05/2023

» Inside, everything seems to be in order. Time goes according to schedule. You eat, work, play and sleep. Nothing strays from the course. There is no disorder, or if there is, it is kept under control. Here, you go by the book, not at anybody's whim. But you are not alone. There are thousands around you who stick together through thick and thin. What more could you ask for? While basic needs are met, you are not allowed to go outside until completion of your term.



Struggling to survive

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 23/05/2023

» You are what you eat, but some do not have the privilege to choose. Nai, who is skinny and short for his age, lacks more than just a proper diet. He has been abandoned by his mother, and his father is serving a jail term. As a result, his uncle has kindly taken him into his own family. But like others, he is living from hand-to-mouth, so providing his nephew with a balanced diet from the five food groups is difficult. Due to a lack of variety in their diet, slum children, though not starving, are suffering from malnutrition.



Curtains for Chinese opera?

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 27/02/2023

» "Hurry up," shouted a crew member who climbed up onto a makeshift stage. Casting sidelong glances, performers, half-clad, looked in the mirror and concentrated on applying layers of make-up. Nearby, a motley bunch of musicians and technicians double-checked their instruments. A stream of chatter from a growing audience -- without any partition between the theatre and real life -- put unintended pressure on the band.



The coming storm

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 20/02/2023

» Climate change is an invisible killer. A family that lived in a hill station in India, an area known for its colder climate, took their sick child to the hospital. Nobody thought of dengue until a diagnosis confirmed it. Warmer temperatures in India and elsewhere make conditions more favourable for mosquitoes.



Imagining a new world

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 17/01/2023

» A few days after the dawn of the new year, I found myself on the move earlier than usual. It is not usually until the second week we hit the ground running. After all, who would fly to Singapore just for an art exhibition? But I took it on because, given the pandemic, its theme seemed timely and powerful. Despite a brief downpour, it was a rewarding experience. Made of earthy materials, some pieces evoked a refreshing sense of self-renewal.



For a better future

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 01/11/2022

» After the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, Hamida and Marsela are happy to be back in school in Thailand. Despite being far from home, they are not only taking interesting lessons but growing up in a safe environment with new friends and teachers.



An alternative therapy

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 18/07/2022

» After the legalisation of marijuana took effect last month allowing people to grow the plant at home and buy cannabis products, Sarayoot Buranapanich has found a glimmer of hope in weed. A 46-year-old terminal cancer patient, Sarayoot has turned his back on the mainstay of treatment.



Food as rebellion

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 05/07/2022

» 'Eating food is our right. If our tongues aren't made of free will, it will be difficult to establish democracy. If we aren't allowed to eat our favourite food, how can we have desired politics?" said Asst Prof Chatichai Muksong, lecturer in history at Srinakharinwirot University, who has studied the topic of food for over two decades.