Search Result for “damn close”

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No longer feeling under the weather

Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/05/2024

» Being woken up by a thunderstorm in Bangkok on Tuesday morning was a most welcome experience. I had been visibly wilting in the heat for a couple of months, but finally dear old Jupiter Pluvius came to the rescue in splendid style. Just the sound of raindrops falling on the leaves felt comforting and the thirsty birds chirped in with a chorus of thanks.


It all began with Rhett and Scarlett

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/03/2022

» With the Oscars upon us this weekend it seems an apt time to recall choice lines from past films.



Political Art Toys

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 30/07/2021

» The frustration against the status quo can be expressed in several ways. If you're a hip-hop artist, you can rap and rhyme about it in a viral music video. If you no longer give a damn, you can put a certain uncle on blast in your Facebook post and mention his official page (you know who you are). Even if you're just a bystander, you can't dodge political illustrations and memes on your newsfeed.



Watching the vote

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 11/11/2018

» Foreign and Thai groups want official accreditation to monitor the next general election, whenever it occurs. And the government has instantly invited all such groups to kick rocks.



The day the tree came tumbling down

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/05/2018

» Last week I suffered the distressing experience of watching the biggest tree in my garden be chopped down to a stump. The tree had been there for a decade, growing rapidly every year, and it felt almost like losing a favourite pet. I should explain that although I love trees, this arboreal assault was given my reluctant approval as the tree had grown to a such a height that if it came down in a storm it would demolish half of the house. All the same, I felt very uncomfortable watching it being hacked away branch by branch.



When letters get in the wrong place

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/03/2018

» It will come as no surprise to readers that spelling is not one of my strongest attributes. I stand firmly alongside AA Milne's Winnie the Pooh when the bear admits: "My spelling is wobbly. It's good spelling, but it wobbles and the letters get in the wrong place." I know the feeling well.



Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 26/01/2018

» There is this ongoing "watchgate", which started in December when Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon, aka Uncle Pom, held up his hand to shield his face from sunlight during a photo shoot with his fellow ministers at Government House. What caught people's eyes was a Richard Mille watch on his wrist and a giant diamond on his ring finger.



The next super weapon could be biological

News, Peter Apps, Published on 21/04/2017

» With the threat of chemical weapons in Syria and nuclear arms in North Korea, the risk of biological weapons has largely dropped off the international agenda. But evolving technologies and genetic engineering may open the door to new dangers.



No good will come from US election

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 02/11/2016

» Donald Trump may not win the election next week -- although he is at least going to come close -- but even if he loses, the wells are poisoned.



The big issue: We must 'do something'

Alan Dawson, Published on 10/01/2016

» A police constable summed up the situation perfectly after tough enforcement failed to stem the New Year’s holiday road slaughter. “People are absolutely not getting the message,” the constable told reporters from a TV news station. In Toronto.