Search Result for “cyber security”

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Careful what      you click, but keep thinking

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 10/12/2016

» Be careful what you wish for. Be even more careful what you like. Be most careful what you share.


Web warriors unite for an F5 rebellion

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 03/10/2015

» This past week ultra-royalists converged at the US Embassy while ultra-malcontents converged on the F5 button. How the world has changed, and how sad that some people are still stuck in a medieval fortress, trying to fend off invaders with hot oil and poisoned arrows?



Snowden under siege

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 27/03/2015

» The Oscar-winning Citizenfour has opened in Bangkok. An opportune cinema experience here in our land of 99.9% democracy where the contentious Cyber Security Bills are being revised, the so-called Edward Snowden documentary seethes with unsettling power. Its civic outrage is strong, but the cool-headed storytelling gives it gravity. The immediacy of the issue at its heart is also the debate of the early 21st century. And if the film lets us know from the start that it's taking the side of the whistle-blower, all the better.  



‘Citizenfour’ rings eerily close to home

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 21/02/2015

» Come Oscar night tomorrow, Edward Snowden, still holed up in Moscow, won’t be joining the glitterati in Los Angeles though the film in which he is appears likely to snatch a golden doll. Unless there’s a major upset, Citizenfour should win Best Documentary, and the spectre of massive national surveillance, indiscriminate spying and the thorny scuffle to find balance between national security and the sanctity of human rights will, hopefully, steal some of the vacuous limelight that characterises the Oscars.



Claws of cyber bill have your name on them

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 24/01/2015

» The men are itching to pry, to take a peek into your Line chats, your Facebook inboxes, your email history, the bread crumbs of your digital life. Naturally, you cover your screen and say no. Naturally, in the age of Snowden-Manning-Assange, we're conscious of the fact that the sphere of online privacy is not fair game, or at worst it shouldn't be.



Sci-fi socialism

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 20/09/2013

» With his previous hit District 9 and now Elysium, South African director Neill Blomkamp has cornered a specific sub-genre: the sci-fi socialist action flick. In the Jo'berg-set debut from 2009, the crustacean-like aliens scavenge garbage piles and live in a filthy shantytown, segregated from the human population. District 9 is an alien film, with spaceships and laser guns, but it's actually a clever allegory about class and institutional discrimination.



We can teach China a few cyber cop tricks

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 17/08/2013

» Send me gifts of Line stickers. Brown, Cony, Mickey, Monsters University, Kerokerokeroppi, whatever - faster, before the tech-savvy Thai police spoil the party and shut the chat down.