Search Result for “cut”

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New tricks for an old dog

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 21/10/2019

» With the constant evolution of the internet and digital technology, the world has changed furiously fast. Many aspects of life are no longer the same. At the age of 51, I know full well if I want to survive another decade I've got to learn a new skill. So I took up aikido.


Urban hiking in Bangkok ain't a bad idea after all

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 19/03/2018

» Have you ever been in a situation like this? You're at a BTS station, and as you approach the turnstile to catch your train, you realise there is not enough credit for the ride on your Rabbit card. The queues at the ticket booths are too long and you hate waiting.


Easy on the eyes

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 20/03/2017

» Despite its negative effects, especially on the eyes, smartphone addiction is not easy to quit. The digital devices and their light-emitting screens have become essential to our lives, so much so that saying goodbye to them is plainly impractical. But is it possible to continue using them every day without sacrificing our eye health?


A Skytrain named Desire

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 06/11/2014

» Smoking, eating and drinking on the BTS Skytrain are strictly prohibited. But there is no express forbidding of farting, spitting, peeing, cooking or lovemaking. That's understandable — such acts and several others are known to be no-nos in public areas.


Supporting the coup, boycotting brands

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 26/06/2014

» It wasn’t long enough ago that I could have forgotten. For half-a-year before the coup, so many Thais, the number reaching millions on certain days, left the comfort of their homes and took to Bangkok’s streets in peaceful protests against the highly corrupted previous government. Almost on a daily basis, they were attacked by armed men. Dozens had been killed, children included, while many more were injured and have to live the rest of their lives with physical disabilities. The police never arrested any of the murderers. At the time, the United States and the European Union never showed any concern. Understandably, it was purely Thailand’s internal affairs and none of their business.



When a detour makes all the difference

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 03/10/2013

» The world is so complicated these days that keeping one's personal life as simple as possible is crucial to maintaining peace of mind as well as the ability to tackle problems resulting from outside influences.


Smile surgery is the Joker in the pack

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 29/08/2013

» Earlier this year Thai people were told the bad news that our country had lost its long-held status as the world's top rice exporter, falling behind India and Vietnam. As if that's not sad enough, it is likely that soon Thailand might also have to give up its cherished nickname "the Land of Smiles" to guess who... South Korea.


Take your eyes off the prize to see what really matters

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 18/07/2013

» Like many people, I need my smartphone to keep up with the goings-on. And by saying "need", I mean the kind of intense desire an alcoholic succumbs to when a tempting glass of whiskey flaunts itself within reach.


Reflecting on lives past

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 17/01/2013

» This year, National Children's Day was not just about parents spending quality time with their offspring and Thai society paying attention to the younger generation, the so-called "future of the nation". No, on Saturday a huge number of grown-ups also took the time to reminisce about their own childhood.It was another viral phenomenon on the internet. To mark the occasion, there was a widespread practice of people, celebrities included, of course, posting cute and often funny portraits from their school days on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social networking sites. Some even juxtaposed their old pictures with those of their little ones, revealing the striking similarities that attracted loads of "likes" and admiring comments.