Search Result for “current market”

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Students fear for job prospects

News, Published on 05/03/2023

» Despite the country's post-Covid economic recovery, which has seen the employment rate returning to the "old normal", over 230,000 recent graduates remain unemployed, raising concerns among students pursuing low-demand degrees.



Oil, war, pandemic: Economic costs mount

Business, Published on 14/03/2022

» The Russian invasion of Ukraine is sending economic shockwaves around the globe with crude oil prices at one point reaching US$130 per barrel, hitting businesses already reeling from tepid consumption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Drug war reckoning

News, Postbag, Published on 13/02/2022

» Re: "Expansive gestures from hopeful leaders," (Opinion, Jan 10) and "Thaksin's war on drugs a crime against humanity," (Opinion, Dec 13, 2013).



Foresight on four sites

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 02/02/2018

» The event has exuded a good vibe over the week. The first ever Bangkok Design Week, launched last Saturday and running until this Sunday, has turned the neighbourhoods of Charoen Krung, Rama I, Sukhumvit and Klong San into a collection of creative showcases of ideas and urban improvement.



BBC vows to 'suit Thai laws, culture'

News, Published on 07/04/2017

» The BBC is ready to move forward as a digital news content provider in Thailand and it is also ready to adjust its work culture to suit Thai laws and audiences, a BBC World Service executive says.



About Politics

News, Published on 19/11/2016

» Yingluck's rice photo ops and Prayut's subsidies come under attack v Some election commissioners are scrambling to protect their jobs under new qualification rules v New army chief Gen Chalermchai likes to appease his masters



The constituents and the constitution

Spectrum, Published on 31/07/2016

» With one week to go before the historic referendum decision, voters are expressing an uneasy acceptance of the controversial charter which opens the way for the ruling military government to remain in power for another five years.



Cinema scope

Life, Published on 12/07/2016

» Decades have passed since the residents of Bang Rak have been able to count a proper cinema in their vicinity. The tight-knit neighbourhood -- sited near the river and the financial downtown of Silom -- is known for its kaleidoscopic mix of architecture, mom-and-pop businesses and narrow streets, and the district was once home to several stand-alone cinemas all within walking distance of each other. Over the years, those cinemas went out of business as Bangkok expanded to the north and east, and disinvestment gradually drained the old-fashioned district of some vitality.