Search Result for “current market”

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The Unlikely Revolutionaries Who Want to Reboot the Internet

Business, Published on 20/12/2021

» The internet hasn't turned out the way it was supposed to.



Embracing diversity on the screen

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 23/06/2020

» Thailand and the world have come a long way when it comes to diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression of characters on our screens. On the occasion of Pride Month, Netflix facilitated a talk with filmmaker Chookiat Sakveerakul (Love Of Siam and Dew) and Sanchai Chotirosseranee, deputy director of the Thai Film Archive, where they discussed onscreen representation, visibility and political correctness of today's LGBTI content.



Corona and the death of cinema (again)

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 30/03/2020

» "Cinema is an invention without a future," said Louis Lumiere who, along with his brother Auguste, invented the Cinematographe in 1895. From its birth, cinema was convinced of its own death. From the very beginning, cinema predicted its own eventual demise. And that was before the two world wars, the advent of home video, laser disc, DVDs, Blu-rays, terrorism, mass shootings, Netflix, and now the coronavirus, the latest scourge that has sealed shut cinema houses around the world.



Lifelong learning is the future of work

Business, Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 10/09/2019

» In the year 2030, you may be working in a job that doesn't even exist yet. We're not talking about flying cars or developing the world's first time machine. The requirements, levels and styles of all kinds of work are evolving very fast, which means you need to understand how you can prepare for future roles that may emerge.



Beyond digital payment

Asia focus, Published on 04/02/2019

» The way we pay for things has evolved rapidly in recent years. Even carrying a physical wallet containing cash and cards is no longer essential when a smartphone or biometric recognition can be used to complete a transaction.



Best of both worlds

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 30/10/2017

» Smart manufacturing does not always involve robots replacing people. Instead, robots should be viewed as enablers instead of disruptors, with productivity and efficiency enhanced by automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).


Do you have a fear of spying?

Life, James Hein, Published on 11/10/2017

» So how safe do you feel in your home security-wise? I'm not thinking of malware but the ability for someone to snoop on you visually or through audio. There have been some concerns about devices like the Amazon Echo and similar being used to tap into what you are saying with everything recorded on servers that authorities could get from say Amazon.



Windows on the world

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/09/2017

» As Hussain Currimbhoy sees it, this is a golden age for documentary filmmaking, a time when the criss-crossing narratives of the world tangle with audiences' growing suspicion over traditional media. The emergence of streaming services has also revolutionised distribution philosophy and connected doc-makers with audiences in ways unseen before, especially with audiences who once had little interest in documentary titles.



E-commerce forces brick-and-mortar stores to innovate

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 24/04/2017

» With e-commerce being fitted into their arsenals, retailers are now aiming to provide new experiences and greater convenience for shoppers. And while bricks-and-mortar stores will continue to exist, they are no longer places exclusively for shopping, but also must function as showrooms and fitting rooms.