Search Result for “current market”

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3 ways to advance the EV industry in 1 year

Asia focus, Published on 11/07/2022

» The verdict is in: the future is electric. Global electric vehicle (EV) sales are projected to soar to 31.2 million units by 2030, compared with 2.5 million in 2020, according to the consultancy Deloitte. It sees EVs making up 32% of all motor vehicle sales by 2030, and other industry analysts estimate that by 2040, electric cars will outsell internal-combustion engine (ICE) models.


Should you innovate with your customers? (part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 19/09/2020

» To what extent should innovators listen to customers' ideas and suggestions? There are proponents and opponents of involving customers in innovation endeavours. In the first of this two-part series, we'll hear from each camp and explore different situations that may influence their arguments. The second part will propose some possible solutions to reconcile the different views.



Has the minimum wage outlived its usefulness?

Published on 27/08/2019

» The minimum wage was introduced to Thailand in the mid 1970's as a way to protect against basic labour being taken advantage of and provide a guaranteed minimum wage for all workers. However, it was never applied to "all workers". The International Labour Organisation (ILO) said that this was the "minimum sum payable to a worker for work performed or services rendered, within a given period, whether calculated on the basis of time or output, which may not be reduced either by individual or collective agreement, which is guaranteed by law and which may be fixed in such a way as to cater to the minimum needs of the worker and his/her family, in the light of national economic and social conditions".



Screen grab

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 17/12/2018

» How many people these days watch TV with one eye on the big screen and the other on their smartphone? Quite a lot, but reaching this "multiscreening" audience effectively is a growing challenge for marketers.



Company man

Asia focus, Published on 19/03/2018

» Shinsotsu-ikkatsu-saiyo, the tradition of simultaneous recruitment and employment of new graduates by companies, has long been unique to Japan and South Korea, before the latter abolished the practice in 2010. But in the world's third largest economy it is so embedded in the culture, who's to say it's not working for the country and its people?



2016 New cars

Life, Richard Leu, Published on 04/01/2016

» What to expect from the big marques this year, everything from an Ecocar up to a 1,500hp hypercar.



Key challenges for 2015

Business, Post Reporters, Published on 05/01/2015

» Thais are hopeful that the Year of the Goat will be an easier and more prosperous one than the rough and bumpy Year of the Horse. 


Why the shale oil and gas revolution won't end any time soon

News, Published on 01/09/2014

» Doubts about the sustainability of the North American oil and gas boom centre on rapidly declining output from many shale wells after they are initially drilled.


IMF: Myanmar GDP to grow 6.75%

Published on 22/05/2013

» Myanmar's economy could grow by 6.75% this fiscal year, led by natural gas sales and investment as the country moves to modernise its financial system, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).