Search Result for “current concession”

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Challenges ahead for telco firms

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 29/12/2010

» The new Frequency Allocation Act has failed to keep up with technology according to an NTC commissioner while all the major telcos agree that concession conversion is needed for a level playing field and to prepare the industry for imminent AFTA and WTO trade liberalisation.



Parties need to work together to break deadlock

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 28/07/2010

» Four parties need to work together to break the deadlock in the telecommunications sector and allow the 3G auction to achieve its full potential, according to a leading think-tank.


Time to wake up and start running

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 28/07/2010

» State domain assets. That word last popped up in anger during the privatisation of PTT, the Electricity Generation Authority of Thailand. A group of activists, led by now Bangkok Senator Rosana Tositrakul launched a legal challenge arguing that while PTT, as a company, could be sold off and privatised, the assets which it had acquired as through its expropriate power as part of the state through its dual role as both a government agency and an operator were to be retained by the state.


Johnsen calls for clarification

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 21/07/2010

» There is a need to restructure the telco industry and move on from the era of concessions and revenue sharing. It should happen now, before the 3G auction, as the cost of proceeding with an auction on top of this regulatory mess now to fix it at a later date will be much higher than a six-month delay today.


The fallout from Thaksin's judgement day and how it affects Thailand's telcos

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 10/03/2010

» Judgement day has come and gone and now mankind is left in the wake of seven hours of court judgement in minute detail of what our former Prime Minister has been up to and been found guilty of, and a lot of that revolves around the telecommunications sector.


Using existing networks to run 3G is too much like common sense

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 03/03/2010

» 3G auctions for the rest of us before the end of this year? Should we rejoice at the progress that the four new Knights of Truffle and Cupcake, sorry, National Telecommunication Commissioners, have made, or is one to despair at the naivete that such talk brings? The problem is not so much about pushing ahead with 3G, but what to do with the existing 2G infrastructure.


Surprise wedding of the year goes awry

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 27/01/2010

» It could have been the surprise wedding of the year, but instead we had a runaway bride, not to mention the best man curiously absent.


Apathy reigns as Thailand continues to fail to embrace its potential

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 06/01/2010

» After so many years of writing, I have ended up with a 'why bother' attitude when it comes to the more controversial news which should matter. Anyone remember the not-very-smart ID cards that cost 888 million baht and which, to this day, are not fully utilised?