Search Result for “couple weeks”

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Big ideas like Kra Canal take guts to follow through on

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 07/01/2015

» With attention focused largely on holiday celebrations in the past couple of weeks, most Thais probably missed the news about a milestone event in Nicaragua just before Christmas. The event was a groundbreaking ceremony, commencing the construction of the Nicaragua Canal linking the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean.


Sufficiency economy doesn't mean self-sufficiency

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 03/12/2014

» Since the head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) announced some six months ago that he would use the sufficiency economy (SE) as the guiding light for governing the country, I again have seen discussions equating SE with self-sufficiency. It's not.


Debt-inequality trap risks being sprung any moment

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 05/11/2014

» Last month, the International Monetary Fund issued its latest assessment of the global economy for 2014, lowering the growth rate from 3.7% projected in its previous assessment to 3.3%. The picture is less rosy despite better outlook for the United States - the largest engine of the world economy – that leads the Federal Reserve System to stop pumping massive amounts of money into the economy via quantitative easing, which totaled some $4.5 trillion over the past six years. Gloomier prospects for other economies have been attributed to continued feeble demand.



The 'crooks' in charge must step aside

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 01/01/2014

» A new year, a semi-failed state?