Search Result for “couple weeks”

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Dust in the wind and down the throat

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/10/2019

» You know there's something amiss in Bangkok when you wake up to the sounds of birds coughing. Well maybe it wasn't quite that bad, but this week our feathered friends sounded decidedly under the weather. So it came as no surprise to read the gloomy headlines about "toxic smog" returning to Bangkok.



From a cultured cabbie to the Albert Hall

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/09/2018

» The recent column on the musical tastes of Bangkok's taxi drivers prompted quite a few comments from readers relating assorted cab rides featuring the joyful strains of Cliff Richard, Boney M and even Pavarotti. However, Elvis remains the favourite amongst the veteran cabbies.



Let's get high

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/03/2017

» Many restaurants aspire to give their patrons an elevated dining experience, and in some cases, this has been taken literally. Bangkok is home to a vast array of rooftop restaurants and bars, some of which are well-known, go-to places for a dinner with a magnificent view of the city's skyline. This week, we have rounded up a number of relatively new rooftop restos for you to check out and enjoy. Protip: don't look down. Seriously.



Soi dogs' best friends

Jon Fernquest, Published on 03/02/2012

» Retired UK couple set up organisation to save soi dogs from having too many pups ... and also to save them from Vietnamese dinner tables.