Search Result for “coronavirus outbreak”

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Linked in isolation

Life, Kanokporn Chanasongkram, Published on 27/04/2020

» It has been over a month of staying in and working from home in order to save ourselves and the country from being badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Abuse worry over Covid-19 business aid

News, Penchan Charoensuthipan, Published on 25/04/2020

» Labour activists are calling on the government to investigate whether some employers forcing their employees to seek unemployment compensation from the Social Security Fund are trying to take advantage of the measure.



Markets rise as deaths slow in hotspots: Virus update

Published on 06/04/2020

» Germany and Spain reported lower numbers of new cases, a tentative sign that lockdown measures are easing the outbreak.



Corona and the death of cinema (again)

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 30/03/2020

» "Cinema is an invention without a future," said Louis Lumiere who, along with his brother Auguste, invented the Cinematographe in 1895. From its birth, cinema was convinced of its own death. From the very beginning, cinema predicted its own eventual demise. And that was before the two world wars, the advent of home video, laser disc, DVDs, Blu-rays, terrorism, mass shootings, Netflix, and now the coronavirus, the latest scourge that has sealed shut cinema houses around the world.



A glimmer of hope in dark times

News, Published on 23/02/2020

» The recent wave of shootings and constant fear over the coronavirus recalls what Claudius said in Hamlet: "When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions". And these "battalions" of sorrow have been plunging Thais into deep depression.