Search Result for “controls”

Showing 71 - 80 of 91



Myanmar must open up

News, Editorial, Published on 04/07/2017

» Myanmar authorities continue to take actions that ultimately harm both the country and its image. Last week, the army, which is behind the times in helping the country to democracy, arrested three journalists for doing their jobs. Then the government, which should know better, issued a defiant statement that it was banning all United Nations investigators. There was no good reason for either action, and they are black marks on democracy hero Aung San Suu Kyi's government.



Strict controls hurt roadmap

News, Editorial, Published on 07/04/2017

» As the new constitution came into effect with royal blessings yesterday, Thailand formally kick-started its roadmap, drawn up under the guidance of the Prayut Chan-o-cha military government and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).



Kill all coal energy plans

News, Editorial, Published on 14/02/2017

» The military regime has failed to produce the coherent, forward-looking national energy policy it promised. But it has been consistent on one point -- the South needs more electricity, and it is going to get it from coal-fired power plants. It is time to drop this backward, ultimately harmful and massively unpopular plan and look ahead.



NBTC must abide by law

News, Editorial, Published on 03/01/2017

» In the 31 months since the military takeover, and amid progress both real and asserted, one of the biggest setbacks has been to freedom of speech and information. Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha ordered a clampdown on the media on the day of his May 22, 2014 coup. Since then, no relaxation of censorship has occurred, and many other steps have been ordered. Expressing opinions in public can prove dangerous, and laws such as the recent Computer Crime Act amendment continue to restrict or inhibit both personal and media freedoms.



Bad defence by Facebook

News, Editorial, Published on 29/12/2016

» An "algorithm glitch" by social media giant Facebook on Tuesday night that triggered a false security alert based on a year-old article about a bomb blast in Bangkok, caused unnecessary panic among many. The incident invites the question of how much we should rely on social media channels as sources of such critical information.



Updating the war on drugs

News, Editorial, Published on 22/11/2016

» Governments and security agencies worldwide are always trying to catch up with society. Nothing illustrates this like the global rethink on the four-decade war on drugs. Justice Minister Paiboon Koomchaya continues to look for a policy that somehow acknowledges both a common disgust with the "war", and the fact that the public is becoming better educated and more tolerant of its actual dangers.



Myanmar abuses rights

News, Editorial, Published on 15/11/2016

» The Myanmar government in recent weeks and days has either lost the plot or lost control. There seems no possible third explanation. The two most egregious events have been a vicious and murderous military offensive in western Rakhine state and a media crackdown of a type not seen since the dreadful days of Slorc rule. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has gone missing on the political front, while neighbours and friends are losing faith in her government.



No rays of hope here

News, Editorial, Published on 13/10/2016

» After dozens of endangered stingrays died and more aquatic animals went belly-up on the Mae Klong River, why is it that the Department of Pollution Control and related state agencies are still in the dark about what caused the deaths?



PM bows to the inevitable

News, Editorial, Published on 25/07/2016

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha deserves credit for moving the draft constitution to where it belongs -- the public forum. The prime minister made an unexpected about-face on the issue late last week -- one day he was advocating the multi-facet ban on free speech brought in by the Election Commission (EC) through the poorly considered Referendum Act; the next, he specifically authorised open debate at the provincial level. It is a welcome evolution.



Political heat on the rise

News, Editorial, Published on 30/06/2016

» As each day passes, leading up to the Aug 7 charter referendum, the country's political temperature will rise. Despite the restrictions in place, comments on the charter will increase. Sadly, the issues raised over the proposed charter are not new as we continue, as a country, to swirl in circles. And the only way to emerge from this vicious circle is for all sides to admit their faults and strike a balance for the interests of the people.