Search Result for “constitution amendment”

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Fine balancing act away from tyranny

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 24/11/2013

» In the past, Thailand's politics has been defined by minority rule and minority rights. When asked about the wishes of the majority, the minority would snicker, ''Tsk-tsk, dah-ling, they'll do as they are told.''


Suthep should resign from parliament

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 31/10/2013

» Members of parliament are elected officials. They are meant to represent the people in parliament. Upholding the law and working within the law, this is the duty and responsibility of the MPs who are the nation’s lawmakers.



The politics of 'Som-tam-pla-ra'

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 20/10/2013

» Morality, legality and democracy, these are the things tribal minions get stuck on, actually believing that they are what the political struggle over the past eight years has been all about.



Thailand is more than Soi Cowboy

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 13/10/2013

» Two-plus years have passed since Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra took office. Probation period is long over. It's time to step up on her leadership.


Thailand in continual shutdown

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 03/10/2013

» Modern-day democracy started with the United States. Today the US government is shut down by those very people who were elected to make the government function - people employing a political tactic, in the midst of a political squabble, motivated by the goal of political power.



Don't make senate a family affair

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 25/08/2013

» Let's entertain the idea that's generating so much talk and controversy around the country, the amendment of the law on how senators are selected. If we are to change a law, there ought to be a benchmark, and that benchmark should be the principles of democracy.


Thailand, where no charge is ever too absurd

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 10/01/2013

» If the Pheu Thai government can either round up 23 million referendum votes or just simply bulldoze the constitution change proposal through parliament, then I will tip my hat, even if I don’t wear a hat.


Pigs walk on two legs

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 20/12/2012

» Watching pedestrians cross the street can pretty much sum up Thai politics. Every morning when I drive through Klong Toey to get to the office, there lays before me the scene.



Between fickleness and an insane nation

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 09/12/2012

» Tomorrow is Constitution Day, but with 17 charters since 1932, we can call Dec 10 the day when Thailand celebrates 80 years of fickleness. Charter changes to accommodate the times are one thing; 17 constitutions and counting in 80 years is an entirely different matter.



Who's your daddy?

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 08/07/2012

» If you ever get into a haggling match with somebody, you should accuse that person of plotting to overthrow the monarchy. Street vendor try to pull one over on you? That's a plot to overthrow the monarchy. A police officer tries to write you a ticket? Plot to overthrow the monarchy. Girl won't give you her phone number? A plot to overthrow the monarchy. This is the surest way to get things to go your way in this, my dearest, Kingdom.