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Endless possibilities of the Kindle

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 20/10/2010

» Amazon is on to something big with the Kindle but in a way that has little to do with the device itself. Yes, it is an e-reader, but it is much, much more. "Reading as a platform" is a phrase that comes to mind.


Irreverent and irrelevant

Database, Published on 20/10/2010

» Microsoft unveiled its most important product of 2010, the Windows Phone 7, a smart phone that puts the company clearly at a make-or-break landmark; not only is the phone itself - which got good early reviews - important for income and prestige, but Microsoft is counting on Windows Mobile 7 to sell a gazillion copies and power a jillion apps; as ICD analyst put it, "On a scale of 1 to 10, this (phone launch) is an 11"; of course, you are far too foreign to be allowed to have a Windows Phone 7; within a day, phone makers HTC, Dell, Samsung and LG all had jumped on the Windows Phone 7 platform, with additional features including pop-out speakers and Qwerty keyboards.


Expert calls for change in mindset

Database, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 13/10/2010

» Despite the rapid increase in cyber crime, most people remain silent when they become victims of digital violation.


Powerful low-end phones

Database, Published on 13/10/2010

» Nokia has launched a barrage of low-end phones boasting smart phone features into the Thai market.



Big time loser

Database, Published on 13/10/2010

» The US military began an aggressive push to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel, as Marines arrived in the Afghanistan boonies with solar panels and chargers for their computers; the new orders to move the military quickly to renewable energy have a strong rationale: the Taliban have been attacking oil tankers stalled by political fighting in Pakistan, and burning them; if troops don't depend on oil to move and to supply, no enemy can burn their energy.


Secured URLs

Database, Published on 06/10/2010

» Sometime ago you reviewed the Chrome browser and said it was now worth a second look. I was somewhat sceptical but gave it a try. Almost immediately I felt right at home. The way it does bookmarks is great and is much faster on my set-up than anything else I have tried.



iPhone 4: A Surprise Purchase

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 06/10/2010

» I did not think I would be writing this column as, despite registering early with Dtac and already having my name on a True iPhone, I was not invited to any events; nor was I surprised by a smiling delivery-man with a shiny new iPhone 4. Speculation on Twitter and Facebook (how we rely on these nowadays) suggested that 18,000 of the devices went to Dtac, 43,000 to True and 20,000 to another carrier. These figures are unsubstantiated; but whatever the real figure, I confirm I did not get one in the release euphoria.



A danger to free speech

Database, Published on 06/10/2010

» He may not know it, but Sen Patrick Leahy either greatly admires the Ministry of Internet Censorship of Thailand (MICT) and has decided to ape it, lock, stock and barrel, or he has accidentally re-invented the MICT wheel of Internet blockage; he introduced and pushed a bill that would do to almost all the Internet what the MICT only does to Thailand - block all access to numerous websites because they are harmful to national security; Sen Leahy and his many backers and admirers aren't talking about evil Thaksin and making fun of Abhisit, of course, they are talking about the evil digital piracy that makes fun of Hollywood and Microsoft; just like the Thai law, the Leahy bill would force all Internet service providers up and down the food chain to block access for the whole world to any site that facilitates piracy - no trial, no formal charges, and in this bill, no definition so far of "facilitates piracy"; the Electronic Frontier Foundation calls the Leahy bill "a danger to freedom of speech," but everyone knows the wimpy EFF always politely understates the obvious.


Facebook discovery

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 01/10/2010

» A newly-wed woman made an unhappy discovery on Facebook


4 P's of marketing for digital media

Jon Fernquest, Published on 29/09/2010

» Marketing expert Dr Ian Fenwick explains four essential elements of marketing on digital media.