Search Result for “com facebook”

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Young Money

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 25/05/2012

» When you inevitably get fed up with working for "the man", the idea of being your own boss sounds appealing. But just like every young person dreams of owning their own bar, only to realise their friends will drink away their profits, does the reality of starting your own business match the dream? We've found four people who decided to pursue their passions and are currently at different stages of their entrepreneurship. Their stories may give you some ideas on how to take the plunge and run your own business (as you possibly achieve financial freedom).


Different shades of gaga

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 13/04/2012

» When did you begin dressing up as lady GAGA and Why?


Digital Gains

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/04/2012

» Are we the only ones who think that some people use social media - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and all that interwebs jazz - rather pointlessly?


Do not pass

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 30/03/2012

» The recent fight between BTS security guards and an Irish man over his daughter's balloons at Phrom Phong station produced one good thing. It's now etched in people's minds (probably for the first time) that innocent balloons are forbidden within the Skytrain system because they are inflammable and, therefore, considered a threat to passenger safety. There goes our plan to suck in helium and talk funny to pass time on the train.


Smallroom Big Music

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 24/02/2012

» Amid the hordes of K-pop clones, 15-minute stars from talent shows, and manufactured pop idols, indie music label Smallroom stands tall for making small players big in the Thai music industry. Gender-bending Gene Kasidit's solo debut Affairs ranges from electro rock to drum 'n' bass and disco, layered with personal verse. Slur has hooked many with their blend of rock and pop. The Richman Toy doesn't play around with their upbeat rock and roll and humorous lyrics. The label will host a free concert to celebrate its 12th anniversary titled "Til These Days" tomorrow (see Shows, P23). We talk to different roomies in the Smallroom to see how the label has enjoyed enduring success.


In the name of love

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 10/02/2012

» Love is indeed a strange and powerful force. It can make us do crazy things like stare at the phone willing our darling to call for the fifth time of the day. It can make us spend a year's salary impressing our khun noo girlfriend with an LV bag despite an unwavering credit card debt. It can drive us to hide in the bushes behind the object of our affection's house, going through their trash in the hope of finding a lock of their hair to use in a love spell.