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Daddy dearest

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 05/12/2013

» On an auspicious day like this, I'd really like to steer any thoughts away from politics because, honestly, it is starting to get exhausting trying to keep tabs on how Thaksin Shinawatra is scheming to get back to this country all the time. Let's shift our focus from politicians to _ yellow confetti please _ fathers. I've kept my observant media eye hyper-alert for all dad-related happenings around me lately and while some can be a downer, others are heart-warming.


If you change nothing, then nothing will change

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 22/08/2013

» Why do bus drivers in Bangkok drive like F1 racers on ya ba? Because that's the way things are. Why do the trains we use still look no different from when my late grandfather was a young man? Because that's the way things are. Why are motorcycle-taxi drivers completely okay with speeding through a red light? Well boo-hoo-hoo and too bad. Because that's just the way things are.



The star in us all

Muse, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 06/07/2013

» You may roll your eyes at that sassy girlfriend of yours who keeps whining about never having anything to wear and how she would never ever wear the same outfit in public more than once unless the cows came home. There will always be that one friend who takes that pledge to the extreme, but admit it, the little social tumour that prefers to not be seen in the same outfit twice does exist in all of us.


Animated over pixelated trinkets

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 21/06/2013

» Retro animation is making a comeback (just look at recently released film Wreck-It Ralph) and has been well received by the crowd who grew up with 8-bit games, as well as the new generation. If you are enchanted by pixel art, or just about anything that is cute, Select Start has a range of handmade pixelated trinkets you are sure to love. After all, there's nothing more thrilling than the power-up mushroom moving from the screen to a tangible form in real life.



The business of graduation

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 11/06/2013

» It was once a solemn, sacred day, more scholarly than social, more ceremonial than festive. But around five or six years ago, with the boom of digital cameras and social media that allow self-celebratory broadcasts, the commencement and graduation ceremonies in Thailand have shifted to a whole new level. They've become our culture's most glorified rite-of-passage milestone _ not to say the second most expensive, perhaps only after a wedding.



Behind-the-lens perspective

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 11/06/2013

» Donning a distinctive top to make himself stand out from the crowd is just one of the survival tactics that Piya "Zong" Chayphiphitthaphan employs to get through yet another graduation/commencement day, that busily stage-managed milestone in the lives of many Thai students.


Time to ditch those digital delusions

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/05/2013

» My relationship with books is what you might call unhealthily zealous. After all, the place in which I spend hours at the mall is the bookstore. My favourite designer (Olympia Le Tan) makes clutches that look like books. My childhood fixation revolved around strategically hiding books when I was over my library borrowing limit, alongside incessantly rearranging my bookshelf, and ultimately, I flatly refuse to date guys who don't read. Reading seems to cover most aspects of my life and has, by far, been a life-long love affair that has yet to wither.



Literal change

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/04/2013

» Nila Tanzil dedicates much of her spare time to improving children's literacy, and nowhere is this more evident than on 10 islands in eastern Indonesia. The founder of Rainbow Reading Gardens has helped establish 25 children's libraries in 25 villages, with the promise of more to come, which the non-profit organisation runs with the help of volunteers.


Spring into summer

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 29/03/2013

» During this time of the year, Western countries are revelling in the first air of spring. In Thailand, the looming Thai New Year season edges closer and could more or less call for new changes, too. Spring cleaning is no fun, but revamps may have you feeling otherwise. With new plants shooting up and well wishes blessed by the elders, this season symbolises a new start that we can physically materialise by giving a new look to our surroundings. A whole furniture overhaul can be costly, so we suggest another alternative to achieving transformation: change your walls.



The fuss about Furbies

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 18/02/2013

» The hysterical longings _ and a whiff of hatred _ circling the air for the newest generation of Furbies in Thailand is so palpable, it hits you in the face like a purple, fuzzy brick. The hit owlish toy with the iconic googly eyes and a chatterbox nature that can interact with the owner _ personally or through mobile apps _ was first introduced in the US in 1998 and sold over 40 million units within three years, instantly becoming a sensation so sweeping you might have had to send your child to Pluto in order to avoid it.