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A world without newspapers

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 01/08/2016

» Our HR guy tells the straying university students that have a field trip to our office that the future of newspapers could possibly include aromas and 3D. Actually, the latter part already came into fruition with one of our wrap ads, where 3D glasses also were included with the paper for readers to see a particular image. This wasn't a gimmick to bring their attention back to the podium, but a genuine sense of hope, with perhaps a dash of fantasy, that something of the sort would materialise one day. It sounds like a Roald Dahl daydream, but I myself couldn't help but to imagine along how wondrous it would be if I could actually inhale the aroma of the reviewed dishes while reading Friday's food reviews.


Blame the media, but not completely

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/01/2016

» Mums sure know best. Of all the motherly guidance that has been etched into my consciousness, a particular adage has never remained more timeless and timely. It was the very first lesson she drilled into me when I started to watch television at the age of three. When the commercial break from the cartoons kicked in, so did an earful from her: All advertisements are a sham. 


It's political correctness gone mad

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 25/03/2015

» Last week, legendary American comedian Jay Leno appeared on NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers and shared an example of how college kids (in the US) are painfully politically correct these days. He tells of a day when an intern asked him what he'd like for lunch. When he asked where the interns would be picking up their food, he answered they were "getting Mexican". To which, Leno replied, "I don't really like Mexican", and the intern instantly goes, "Whoa, that's kind of racist."


L is the loneliest letter

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/06/2014

» The Google doodle that greeted me upon turning on my computer three days ago could not have encapsulated my life, in animated cartoon form, any better.


Warning: spoilers ahead

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 16/05/2014

» The world never ceases to find new ways to harass our emotional well-being every day. Because I am only human, the pain that comes along with tax papers and sold-out avocados is now also extended to stumbling across TV-series, movie and book spoilers. And those abhorrent things are practically diving towards us from every possible direction, what with the internet and smartphones inextricably entwined with our daily lives.


Daddy dearest

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 05/12/2013

» On an auspicious day like this, I'd really like to steer any thoughts away from politics because, honestly, it is starting to get exhausting trying to keep tabs on how Thaksin Shinawatra is scheming to get back to this country all the time. Let's shift our focus from politicians to _ yellow confetti please _ fathers. I've kept my observant media eye hyper-alert for all dad-related happenings around me lately and while some can be a downer, others are heart-warming.


If you change nothing, then nothing will change

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 22/08/2013

» Why do bus drivers in Bangkok drive like F1 racers on ya ba? Because that's the way things are. Why do the trains we use still look no different from when my late grandfather was a young man? Because that's the way things are. Why are motorcycle-taxi drivers completely okay with speeding through a red light? Well boo-hoo-hoo and too bad. Because that's just the way things are.


Time to ditch those digital delusions

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/05/2013

» My relationship with books is what you might call unhealthily zealous. After all, the place in which I spend hours at the mall is the bookstore. My favourite designer (Olympia Le Tan) makes clutches that look like books. My childhood fixation revolved around strategically hiding books when I was over my library borrowing limit, alongside incessantly rearranging my bookshelf, and ultimately, I flatly refuse to date guys who don't read. Reading seems to cover most aspects of my life and has, by far, been a life-long love affair that has yet to wither.