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2019 ushers in era of state control

News, John Lloyd, Published on 07/01/2019

» A signature theme of the new year is the possibility of a malign confrontation between the world's greatly enhanced capacity for electronic surveillance and the weakening of democratic control. The antidote to that risk is the democratic spirit and civil freedoms -- both of which are suffering worldwide. These are not dead, but they are unwell, at times untended.



Can Jones and Johnson be the face of 'new politics'?

News, John Lloyd, Published on 13/08/2018

» Two men of influence -- the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and politician Boris Johnson -- now face media bans and ridicule for what they saw as speaking their minds. Both, though quite different in background, manner and actions, are pioneers in the new politics.



In illiberal societies, a wider #MeToo movement

News, John Lloyd, Published on 13/02/2018

» In China, women calling themselves the "silence breakers" have demanded investigations into allegations of sexual harassment. In doing so, they pit themselves against a macho culture, a Communist Party deeply allergic to independent citizens' initiatives, and an exaggerated and assiduously cultivated respect for hierarchies, themselves male-dominated.



How widespread hate speech can harm your brain

News, John Lloyd, Published on 09/10/2017

» In a flurry of confident pronouncements within an hour of the massacre at a Las Vegas country music festival, conservative commentators and activists linked the perpetrator, Stephen Paddock, to liberal or Islamist influences. Rush Limbaugh, still the doyen of right-wing talk radio, credited Islamic State with being Paddock's ideological home, arguing that it was disguised by the liberal media because "for the American left, there is no such thing as militant Islamic terrorism."



Seeking the truth, not the tragedy, in journalism

News, John Lloyd, Published on 03/07/2017

» London's Grenfell Tower fire victims aren't furious just with local authorities for ignoring safety concerns raised before this month's blaze killed at least 79 residents. They're angry with journalists too.