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B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 16/09/2012

» And finally it has arrived. In what is the biggest gadget release of the year, last week Apple unveiled its latest toy amid huge speculation and conjecture. The iPhone 5 was revealed at a press conference with the tag line, ''The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone.'' Indeed, Apple has created its own world with the iPhone range and is the envy of the market, but competitors such as Samsung and Nokia have thrown down challengers with releases such as the Galaxy S III and the Lumina 900, respectively. But Apple is a mighty competitor. So, was it worth the wait, and can Apple release a phone without Steve Jobs at the helm? Let's take a peak.



Play Time

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 09/09/2012

» It was not long ago that compatibility issues were a nightmare for personal digital media libraries. HTPCs were heralded as the solution, meaning users needed to commit a whole OS to manage their libraries. However, those days were short-lived. Problems with file formats, codecs and file system have all been resolved with the boom of the media player, in a move warmly welcomed by consumers. For a small fee, media players are light, unobtrusive and efficient ways to access your libraries, and they just got smarter too, with internet connectivity.



The glint in apple's eye

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 17/06/2012

» Tech talk last week centred on Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. Fears of sounding like another PR release aside, it's a worthy discussion as the company's iPhone and iPad releases unveiled at this conference revolutionised computing and phone use, and the world.



Geek beats

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 21/08/2011

» For geeks who like to rock, we salute you. And for those who want to get into the DJing scene, it's a good time with the recent release of two cheap but nifty gadgets to get you mixing.



Keep taking the Tablets

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 31/07/2011

» With almost all mobile device manufacturers now on board the tablet train, consumers are left to slog through the offerings to find the machine that is right for them. It's no easy task _ many price ranges are represented, many designs have overlapping features and even the same look and feel. To highlight the differences, let's take a closer look at five of the tablet PCs showcased at the recent Mobile Expo Thailand 2011.



Work or play?

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 08/05/2011

» It's definitely tablet season, and Canadian manufacturer RIM will officially join the festivities with the release of its PlayBook in Thailand in the coming months.



Battle of the platforms

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 06/02/2011

» While manufacturer brand loyalty dwindles in the mobile phone market, new allegiances are forming as users are beginning to align themselves instead with operating systems.



The forgotten Art of photo printing

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 02/01/2011

» With so much digital media building up on everyone's storage devices, a question has arisen as to what to do with it all, other than just jam it on Facebook or forget about it in countless folders and sub-folders. Bill Gates presented one solution by hanging digital photo frames on the walls of his house in the US, but this was done at no small cost.