Search Result for “coalition politics”

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Yingluck, face the music

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 03/04/2014

» Two things Yingluck Shinawatra could do. Take the impeachment charges against her head on, chin up and shoulders back, show character and resolve. Or she could just whine and cry about it.



Fighting corruption with corruption

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 12/01/2014

» Two months ago, the protest against the blanket amnesty bill was a thing of beauty. It was democracy in action where the people showed the Pheu Thai-led government that their voice mattered, even if it was the voice of the minority.



Fine balancing act away from tyranny

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 24/11/2013

» In the past, Thailand's politics has been defined by minority rule and minority rights. When asked about the wishes of the majority, the minority would snicker, ''Tsk-tsk, dah-ling, they'll do as they are told.''



The importance of being Abhisit

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 06/01/2013

» Take a second. Think about it. It's a bizarre world we live in. Stand back and look at today from the perspective of 15 years ago.


Prime ministers, murderers and Judy Garland

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 13/12/2012

» During the London G-20 summit protests in 2009, Ian Tomlinson, an English newspaper vendor, an innocent bystander, was caught up in a melee and later died from internal injuries. Constable Simon Harwood was charged with manslaughter, but found not guilty.



Rise of the planet of the merchants

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 28/10/2012

» When the merchant elites buy up the provincial lords, what do the traditional elites have left in their hands? The answer requires a bit of background.



Who's your daddy?

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 08/07/2012

» If you ever get into a haggling match with somebody, you should accuse that person of plotting to overthrow the monarchy. Street vendor try to pull one over on you? That's a plot to overthrow the monarchy. A police officer tries to write you a ticket? Plot to overthrow the monarchy. Girl won't give you her phone number? A plot to overthrow the monarchy. This is the surest way to get things to go your way in this, my dearest, Kingdom.



Hard ball hovers

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 12/02/2012

» There's democracy and then there's Thai-style democracy. The former involves, at least in theory, human rights, freedom, equality and the rule of law. The latter means we like all that wonderful stuff well enough, but there are more important matters that define who we are.