Search Result for “clues”

Showing 81 - 90 of 107


Spare the outrage and act for animals

News, Editorial, Published on 02/08/2015

» Betty White has spoken: the loveable 93-year-old golden girl of television wants a pound of flesh from the man who killed, beheaded and skinned Cecil the lion. The long-time animal activist called the lion’s death “a heartbreaker” and added “you don’t want to hear some of the things I want to do to that man”. Consider it official, then, that Walter Palmer, 55, became the world’s most hated man of the week for successfully slaughtering the 13-year-old lion who was the pride of the Zimbabwean savannah.



Serial killers on the loose

News, Published on 28/04/2015

» The arrest of a suspect in a shocking Bangkok murder is welcome news. This is tempered, however, by strong suspicion that the man arrested committed a long string of sadistic murders and assaults.



Our ‘saviours’ say shut up, put up, pay up

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 04/04/2015

» Death and taxes are the only two sure things in life, so the joke goes. I had a nice time at the tax office last week, three days before the deadline. It wasn’t a “fun time”, which is impossible, but nice enough in my dealings with a courteous tax lady who performed her arithmetic gifts with a pencil and calculator, smiling and helpful in her office full of paper and weary-looking taxpayers — some of them street vendors and odd-jobbers, I gathered. There’s something Kafka-esque about a visit to the Revenue Office: The mild dread (of what?), the anxious wait and, above all, the wild guess about the bureaucratic labyrinth that delivers our payment into the invisible state coffers.


China's bank heralds decline of US

News, Published on 24/03/2015

» Some events are epochal. The decision by Great Britain to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was one such event. It may have heralded the end of the American century and the arrival of the Asian century.



The iron grip will tighten, so the stars say

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 27/12/2014

» Dear Leader, born March 21, 1954. A Pisces, our Dear Leader was born in the Year of the Snake, and zodiacally destined for valour, patriotism, decisiveness, songwriting talent, unconstitutional dignity, offbeat humour, banana-throwing antics (to the cheers of reporters) and occasional outbursts of temper when those same reporters don't ask him glorifying questions.


The big issue: Sparing country [redacted]

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 14/12/2014

» In 2002, in the wake of the 9/11 terrorism and US military pushback, the CIA opened a secret facility in central Thailand. The agency brought two high-level al-Qaeda operatives, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, to the site and launched a new programme of "enhanced interrogation" techniques on them including physical assault and waterboarding, distressing many US officials.


A missing piece sinks the boating party

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 14/12/2014

» If you want to briefly escape into a world blissfully free of smartphones, tweets, corruption and crooked cops, you can always try tackling a jigsaw. It's very old fashioned, of course, but can be quite therapeutic.


The wheels on the bus go around Khon Kaen

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 26/11/2014

» Last week, the mayor of Khon Kaen and a group of locals showed strong commitment to improving the city's public transportation system. They are no longer waiting for a budget from our centralised government.


Postbag: Invest in our youth

News, Published on 27/09/2014

» Re: “Troubled kids need support” (Opinion, Sept 26).


The big issue: The safe house

Alan Dawson, Published on 10/08/2014

» In March, 2002, a joint operation in Faisalabad by the Pakistani police, CIA and FBI cornered, shot and seriously wounded the Saudi terrorist and former anti-Russian mujahideen Zain Abidin Mohammed Husain Abu Zubaydah. He received the best medical care for his wounds because he was needed for an important experiment in Thailand.