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Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 22/10/2021

» Apple's iPhone 13 line-up was announced last September and was met with eager anticipation from fans and scepticism from its detractors. The tech giant was smooth as usual in its presentation of their latest phone and boasted many new features to entice customers. Now that it's been out for a few weeks, has the iPhone 13 lived up to the hype of its fans or does it prove its detractors right?



Avengers reassemble

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/09/2020

» Marvel's Avengers wasn't exactly met with a lot of enthusiasm the first time it was revealed. To be fair, the biggest qualm everybody had was that the characters looked weird, which could just be attributed to Endgame withdrawal. Yes, Chris Evans will always bear America's ass, we're all agreed. As gameplay footage started to roll out, things started to look up. Not only did it promise an interesting single-player campaign but also multiplayer that players will come back to that's updated with events and missions. Now that it's finally here, does it dash all the criticism and live up to its promises or is it just a big mess?



Get flipped

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/03/2020

» Samsung's first attempt at foldable phones with the Galaxy Fold was commendable though there was definitely a lot of room for improvement. Not even a year later, they've released the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, and I've got to say that from the get-go, it's already looking better than its predecessor.



Ghosting around

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/10/2019

» Infiltrating enemy lines and leaving without a trace is the signature of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (or at least that's how it's supposed to be depending on how you play it). Its latest installment, Breakpoint, transports you from its predecessor's drug cartel-run Wildlands to the lush jungles, sandy beaches and urban landscapes of the island of Auroa. Sounds like paradise? Sure -- until bullets start flying.



The exosuit grind

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 29/03/2019

» Anthem puts you in a cool suit to blast aliens away and explore a vast planet



Swing when you're winning

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/09/2018

» When a tremendous amount of hype precedes the release of a game -- or anything, really -- people get nervous. Are expectations too high? Is all the excitement for nothing? So when Spider-Man was announced, I reminded myself to be cautious. It seemed that it was on the track though: Insomniac, developers of the game, recognised the responsibility they had (because they had the power, wink wink) to the character and to fans; the early footage of the game was amazing (another wink wink); and last month at the PlayStation Experience Southeast Asia, I was able to play the game for a good 15 minutes and left even more amped up for its release. But now that the game is out, does it live up to the hype? It most definitely does.



On the fly

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/02/2017

» While we're waiting for the eventual takeover of robot overlords, allow us, in the meantime, to introduce you to a couple of techie toys that'll bring joy and convenience into your life -- and more importantly, won't rebel against you later.