Search Result for “china”

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China’s US trade plan a red herring

News, Noah Smith, Published on 22/01/2019

» There has been an unexpected development in the US-China trade war. Chinese trade officials apparently offered a huge concession earlier this month: a promise to completely eliminate its trade surplus with the US by 2024. The offer was off the record, but it's still a huge surprise, especially given the haphazard and clumsy way that President Donald Trump has chosen to fight his trade war.



The future is in Africa, and China has a headstart

News, Noah Smith, Published on 22/09/2018

» During the past decade, China has been investing a lot of money in sub-Saharan Africa.



Economists in the age of Trump

News, Noah Smith, Published on 12/01/2017

» Economists are going to have to approach things a bit differently if they want to stay relevant in the Trump age. Research is going to become more important. Some humility wouldn't hurt. And they should look someplace other than the federal government to test their ideas.



How to fill the void once Trump kills off the TPP

News, Noah Smith, Published on 01/12/2016

» The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which would have created trade links between the US, Japan and a number of other Asian countries, is dead. Donald Trump has vowed to kill the pact on his first day in office. That won't be a hard promise to keep, as the trade deal was already effectively dead -- Mr Trump's move is just a flourish.


Don't count on a crash from a Trump trade war

News, Noah Smith, Published on 22/11/2016

» Talk of war is in the air -- trade war!


Two wrong theories about China

News, Noah Smith, Published on 25/02/2016

» Western observers struggle to make sense of what's happening to the Chinese economy. Since China is slowing, dragging down commodity prices and forcing a number of other countries into recession, this in an important problem to puzzle out. But how should we evaluate China's economy? I find that western writers tend to subscribe -- explicitly or implicitly -- to one of two folk theories of China. Both have serious deficiencies.


Why was stock market bubble allowed to develop?

News, Noah Smith, Published on 10/07/2015

» Watching an asset bubble burst is a little like watching a tornado: you know lives are being destroyed, yet nature's awesome power has a strange, terrifying beauty.