Search Result for “china”

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Time for a Seoul-Tokyo peace pact

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 12/08/2019

» I love kimchi and I love ramen. I love the bushido way of life and Japanese humility, and I love South Koreans' resilience and devotion to education that helped them lift their country from poverty after World War II to become an Asian economic powerhouse. And in my opinion, both South Koreans and Japanese are among the nicest people in the world.


Hong Kong violence has to end

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 29/07/2019

» It all began with hundreds of thousands of people marching through the streets of Hong Kong against a proposed extradition law. It was a sight to behold because it was a non-violent protest against a repressive law that would have allowed the Communist Party of China to pursue its political opponents in the self-ruled city, dare I say, country. Then it turned ugly.


Don't rule out war over Taiwan

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 14/01/2019

» Last week was a busy one for China. Headlines took note of fresh harassment of Taiwan, reports of possibly illegal gold mining by Chinese firms in Ghana, and of separatists threatening to attack Belt and Road projects in Pakistan and Malaysia.


We deserve a year-end break

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 24/12/2018

» What a year it's been, riddled with natural and manmade disasters, not to mention the antics of Donald Trump. Between his landmark summit with North Korea's leader and the lingering trade war with China, the US president's second year in office has been an eventful one for Asia.


America the unwelcoming

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 28/05/2018

» If you saw the recent Asia Power Index complied by the Lowy Institute, you may have been surprised to see the United States ranked above China as the pre-eminent power in Asia in 2018. One major factor giving America the edge was "cultural influence".


Enjoy the calm while it lasts

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 23/10/2017

» China's economy slowed marginally from 6.9% growth in the first half to 6.8% in the third quarter but is still on course to beat Beijing's full-year target of 6.5%. It was the sort of good news Communist Party bigshots were waiting to hear, coming a day after President Xi Jinping's stirring three-hour speech to their twice-a-decade congress.



BBC not very convincing about station

News, Erich Parpart, Published on 13/03/2017

» Even though the government has insisted it was the BBC's own decision to not renew the 20-year lease of a major shortwave broadcast station for Asia in Nakhon Sawan, many see it as the latest jab that the junta has carefully landed on the face of the British broadcaster.


The curse of corruption

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 30/01/2017

» Lately we are hearing more about corruption scandals across Asia and, sadly, we will probably be hearing more. The mother of them all is the long-running saga of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), one of the world's largest white-collar crimes.


Thailand plays the China card again

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 10/10/2016

» Thailand is losing its formerly admirable reputation as an Asean diplomatic leader and a helpful neutral voice in the South China Sea conflict, as the military government moves more clearly into the orbit of China.