Search Result for “chemicals”

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Seeking solace online

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 03/11/2010

» It's no secret that I suffer from bipolar disorder, a major mental disorder, which is not so much an illness as a chemical imbalance in the brain. It has made my life like a nonstop rollercoaster ride _ up and down, year after year, stumbling from one self-induced disaster to the next, not realising until I was about 40 that there was something seriously amiss. With medication, the road has been smoothed somewhat, though I often feel like a zombie, which is neither good nor bad; not really much of anything at all.



We've come a long way, baby - or not

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 12/05/2010

» The protests on the streets of Bangkok these days are a reminder that, taken as a whole, mankind has come a long way in the past hundred years - yet not everyone has been able to enjoy the trip, nor have all benefited from the enormous sacrifices required for industrialisation and participation in the modern world. It has increasingly become a world of haves and have-nots and the disparity has been fuelled, in large part, by science and technology.