Search Result for “ceo of the year”

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Pieces of silver

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 11/12/2018

» One of Bangkok's grandest villas, once the private residence of princes, will be open to the public on Dec 15 and 16 for the "Unique Silver And Nielloware Exhibition At Chakrabongse House". As the name suggests, the exhibition features a stunning collection of silver and nielloware, as part of the release of a new book celebrating Thailand's rich heritage in these crafts. This is also a rare opportunity to visit the magnificent riverside villa of Chakrabongse House, opposite Wat Pho.



Siam through the looking glass

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 09/09/2016

» Many pictures of Siam are currently owned and kept by foreigners abroad and have never been shown in Thailand, until now. A total of 150 rare photographs, developed from foreign collectors and institutes' original photo prints and collodion, record the development of Siam and are on view at "Unseen Siam -- Early Photography 1860-1910" at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC). Hosted by the centre and River Books, the show runs until Nov 7.



Free food fest

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 23/06/2016

» On July 1, the public and private sectors of Samut Songkhram province will host the "Town Opening And Free Food Eating Festival", from 4.30pm under the Wat Phuang Malai Bridge in Ban Prok, Muang district.



Sydney Opera House goes hi-tech

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 28/10/2015

» Having stood uniquely and gracefully as one of the world's busiest performing arts centres for over four decades, the Sydney Opera House will become a digital-innovation playground under its recently announced partnership with Intel Corporation under the Intel Broadcast Studios Project and several other projects.



The charm of Hokkaido

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 03/01/2013

» On a slope covered with white powder snow, a little Japanese boy teeters and inches forward during his first skiing lesson. A cloth band is tied around his waist, his father is at the other end imparting guidance. Teenagers with snowboards are in groups nearby, while others on skis are preparing to head down Asari Peak.



Digital Bookworms

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 03/08/2012

» Although it is not common to see people read from electronic readers or tablets in Thailand, many more Thais opt for the digital version of books due to convenience and price factors. Today, through the country's largest digital publication platform Ookbee alone, at least 1.5 million people read electronic books regularly.


Island of faith and smiles

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 29/03/2012

» Beyond its beauty compared to the "emerald in the Indian Ocean", Sri Lanka is rich in pure nature, diverse cultures, strong faiths and its population's broad smiles.