Search Result for “centrist government”

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Another Brexit vote is a bad idea

News, John Lloyd, Published on 10/12/2018

» In the "careful what you wish for" stakes, few issues rank higher than the plan for a second referendum by those in the UK hoping for a reversal of the country's June 2016 vote to leave the European Union (the "Remainers"). If secured, the outcome could be a fast track to a phenomenon the UK has so far avoided -- the creation of a large, angry populist party, probably of the right and perhaps also of the left.


Politics of confrontation heats up

News, John Lloyd, Published on 15/10/2018

» The next president of Brazil, Latin America's giant, is all but certain to be former army captain Jair Bolsonaro -- who was relatively unknown, even in his own country, just a few months ago, but who now has a large public profile all round the world. At 63, he has spent years in public life, leaving a mark -- but not a large one -- as a man of the far right, ready with insults for women who oppose him, disgusted by homosexuality, approving of the military dictatorship that killed and tortured leftists between 1964 and 1985.


Once centres of hope, political parties are dying

News, John Lloyd, Published on 03/01/2018

» There's little difficulty in showing that some of the most venerable political parties of the democratic world may be facing terminal crises. The difficulty is in determining if government by a party or parties -- the sustaining base of administrations the democratic world over -- can last.



What Merkel's political troubles mean for the EU

News, John Lloyd, Published on 27/11/2017

» Want to be pessimistic about Europe? Let me count you the ways.


Merkel sets direction for Europe

News, John Lloyd, Published on 11/09/2017

» Germans will choose a government on Sept 24, and that government is likely to be headed, for the twelfth year running, by Angela Merkel. The uncharismatic 63-year-old from East Germany may not have captured her fellow Germans' hearts, but she has appealed so strongly to their rational selves that polls suggest they find no reason to replace her.