Search Result for “candidates”

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New air force chief choice hinges on Sukumpol

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 05/07/2012

» The centennial of the air force's aviation history on July 2 with Gripen and F-16 jet fighters roaring over the skies above their Don Muang base ended with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Defence Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat and the chiefs of all the forces impressed and applauding.


Romney campaign hinges on VP pick

News, Published on 03/07/2012

» With polls indicating this year's race for the White House will be highly competitive, the key decision Mitt Romney has to make before the Republican presidential convention in August is his choice of running mate. Wide-ranging candidates are being touted in the media, including US senators Marco Rubio and Rob Portman, governors Mitch Daniels and Tim Pawlenty, and even Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman.


Mitt tastes own medicine

News, Published on 30/06/2012

» Although I am indifferent about the verdict on Obamacare, I feel it will be extremely difficult for Mitt Romney to spin his position on health care from now on. Even one of the justices (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) cited Mr Romney's healthcare programme as a reason behind the ruling by saying that: ''Congress followed Massachusetts' lead''.


Asia's financial safety net a dead loss

News, Published on 15/06/2012

» Asia's recent doubling of its financial safety net looks impressive. But it's more icing than cake. It is, in fact, unusable.


'City of chaos'needs control

News, Published on 09/06/2012

» When MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra declared he would run for a second term of office as Bangkok governor, his announcement failed to generate more than the tiniest ripple of interest, possibly because he chose to make it in Washington where he was marking the 50th anniversary of the Thai and US capitals becoming sister cities. The other reason it fell on deaf ears was because the intensity of political events being played out on the national stage automatically put such municipal sideshows in the shade, especially when they concern elections for governor that are at least seven months away.


Egypt's revolution not finished yet

News, Published on 06/06/2012

» 'Bashar should abandon power and retire safely in Egypt. The general-prosecutor is murder-friendly," a friend, referring to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, told me as we watched former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's trial in the Police Academy's criminal court. Although Mr Mubarak and his interior minister, Habib al-Adly, were handed life sentences at the conclusion of their trials, the generals who ran Egypt's apparatus of repression as deputy interior ministers were acquitted.


Banks need old hands

News, Published on 02/06/2012

» Re: ''How inflation targeting met its demise,'' (Opinion, May 31)


How inflation targeting met its demise

News, Published on 31/05/2012

» It is with regret that we announce the death of inflation targeting. The monetary policy regime, known as IT to friends, evidently passed away in September 2008.


Pheu Thai MPs at each other's throats in local polls

Published on 22/05/2012

» The Pheu Thai Party appears to have no real foes to fight with and is instead warring on its own MPs in local government elections for seats on provincial and tambon administrative organisations and municipal councils. The fight has not always been clean, one MP was physically assaulted last week in an attack he says was politically motivated.


Would Orwellian tactics keep MPs in line?

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 27/04/2012

» We know many of our MPs are not above cheating and lying. We know they regularly squander our tax money. We know that more than a few of them doze off during parliamentary sessions or skip them altogether, pretending that they are ill or undergoing some medical procedure or taking care of some unspecified or very hush-hush official business.