Search Result for “bomb”

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Windows facelift is on the cards

Life, James Hein, Published on 04/08/2021

» Today we start by looking at Windows 11. Microsoft is getting closer to its new major Windows version, expected at the end of the year. According to the marketing blurb it is focused on "simplified design and user experience" along with a few new key features, including Android support.


Not all cookies created equal

Life, James Hein, Published on 15/02/2017

» I was on a technical support call recently after having problems accessing a service provider's product. The advice given was "Use Internet Explorer and make sure to clear all cookies and cache". There are multiple issues here. The first is coding to a single browser platform, and all too often that is still Internet Explorer. According to, the current usage stats for browsers is Chrome at the top (with 58.4%), followed by Safari (13.3%), Firefox (9.5%), IE and Edge (8.1%), and Opera (4.4%). Another problem is with the advice to clear all cookies. This is like using an atomic bomb to get rid of a mosquito. If you have years of cookies working for you, then one bad one shouldn't be taken care of by getting rid of the lot. I advised the help-desk staff member to review their suggestions, especially since this was the first time I had used IE to access that site, so there would be a fresh cookie.


Hackers, humans and sim cards

Life, James Hein, Published on 25/11/2015

» Love them or hate them, the hacker group known as Anonymous has had an impact on the world. In its latest announcement the group has declared war on Islamic State and according to a video they posted "To defend our values and our freedom, we're tracking down members of the terrorist group responsible for these attacks. We will not give up, we will not forgive and we'll do all that is necessary to end their actions". Their target is to shut down websites and social media accounts used by terrorists as recruiting tools, slowing down their activities as much as possible in the digital world.


Why digital tagging can be both a gift and a curse

Database, James Hein, Published on 22/12/2010

» Long time readers will know that I support the idea of Google Maps, Google Earth and even Street View. There are a myriad of excellent uses that such technologies can be out to. Like most tools, they can be used in different ways, especially if they are combined with other technologies.