Search Result for “black people”

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Black Panther's not just another Marvel money-grab

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 16/02/2018

» Since Doctor Strange, released in 2016, Marvel has been on an impressive roll. The studio's next three films -- Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, Spiderman: Homecoming and Thor: Ragnarok -- were all critically acclaimed successes, praised for their creativity and refreshing tweaks to the usual superhero formula. The films were a much-needed second wind to the ever-bloated Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), proving to audiences that even after more than 15 films, there is still room for us to be wowed by the studio's colourful and bombastic superhero shenanigans.



Technology is not the enemy

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 05/01/2018

» Over the New Year holidays, Netflix gifted subscribers with the latest season of Black Mirror, the popular sci-fi anthology series well-known for its shocking plot twists, macabre subject-matter and dystopian look on how technology could impact our lives.



What’s trending and happening this week

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 30/12/2017

» 1. Museum Siam, in collaboration with the Thailand Association for the Blind, welcomes all to visit their special The King In Our Heart Exhibition, a multimedia exhibition meant to allow people with all types of disabilities to appreciate the late King Bhumibol's myriad achievements. Designed for both able-bodied and physically-impaired visitors, the exhibitions will be displayed with various types of sensory aids, such as a voiced-narration of the exhibitions, Braille explanations and tactile, 3D-models. You can visit the exhibition every day (except Mondays, when the museum is closed) till Jan 21, from 10am-6pm, for free.



Method in the madness

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 10/11/2017

» Whether it be Hannibal Lector, Norman Bates or even the Joker, psychopaths have long been some of the most fascinating characters in all of pop culture. As terrifying as they supposedly are, there is also a mystique to their madness, one that exists on the cusp of comprehensibility, divided only by that thin, elusive border we call sanity or morality or compassion.



Royal respects

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 03/10/2017

» Over the weekend, the lines of black-clad citizens stretched for several kilometres. On the one side, mourners queued up from the entrance of the Grand Palace, went round Sanam Luang and further down Ratchadamnoen Klang, past Democracy Monument with the line ending around Wat Ratchanadda near Pan Fah Bridge. On the other side, the queue went towards Ror Dor Junction. The waiting time was as long as 10 hours.



Life, death and rebirth

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 21/09/2017

» As any honest Thai person can tell you, Bangkok is a city of dualities. Walk down one street and you'll find the most serene parks, bombastic high-rises and venerable temples. Turn down the wrong soi, however, and you're suddenly in a seedy alleyway filled with drugs, alcohol and questionable "massage parlours".



What’s trending and happening this week

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 16/09/2017

» 1. This Sunday at 8pm fans of HBO Asia can tune in for the premiere of SENT, the latest series from the studio. The series follows meek Financial Compliance officer Jay Bunani (Haresh Tilani), a frustrated man who keeps hundreds of incendiary email drafts he writes to people who aggravate him, but never sends them. When a twist of fate causes all those emails to be sent out to everyone in his life, Jay becomes an instant internet sensation, but not in a good way. Thai viewers can catch the series live on HBO Go through the AIS Play and AIS Playbox platforms. You can also watch the first episode for free online at from Sept 18-24.



A classic's latest incarnation

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 15/09/2017

» Like all entertainment franchises that have ever been described as phenomenal, Death Note has had no shortage of adaptations. Born as a 12-volume Japanese manga series (2003-2006), Death Note has since been adapted into an anime series, five live-action Japanese films, a TV drama and a musical.



Not a bad Omen

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 23/08/2017

» In a world where even laptop computers are coming out of the box with 4K capabilities, I found it a little discouraging that the HP Omen Desktop 880 couldn't support ultra-HD resolutions (we received the 021d model for review). Don't get me wrong: it's certainly as powerful as you'd expect from a dedicated gaming PC, capable of running even graphically-intense games like Total War or GTA V at maximum settings without so much as a stutter. It also comes in a sleek, sci-fi-esque chassis that is actually more practical than it looks, one that houses an impressive AMD Ryzen7 1800x processor and 16GB of RAM.



No dizzying heights

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 11/08/2017

» The Dark Tower had every reason to be good. It's an adaptation of a renowned series of novels by Stephen King. It features Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey in leading roles. It's also directed (and scripted) by the man who wrote the 2009 Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, as well as 2012's A Royal Affair, both stellar films.