Search Result for “black market”

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Entrepreneur in overdrive

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 22/04/2019

» Do you remember what you were doing when you were 13? Aaron Tan, a teenage prodigy in Singapore, was running his first tech startup. He then went on to set up two more companies before turning 21. Today he is the CEO of Singapore-based Carro, an automotive marketplace and services portal that started from his love of trading cars, not driving them.



The cyber whodunnit and the global blame game

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 21/12/2017

» The US government has officially attributed to North Korea the WannaCry ransomware attack, which encrypted hundreds of thousands of computer drives around the world in May, 2017. And yet as with a series of other highly public cyberattack attributions, little evidence for the claim was made public. It's time for the cybersecurity world to follow the advice of the Rand Corporation and set up an unbiased international consortium that would seek to attribute attacks based on a common set of rules.