Search Result for “biodiversity decline”

Showing 71 - 80 of 132



China must be sincere on Mekong

News, Published on 17/07/2019

» Last week, the Bangkok Post published remarks by Yang Yang, a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Thailand, explaining how China and others are promoting water resources cooperation in the Mekong "for the benefit of the people in the region".



How tech can 'disrupt' our classrooms

News, Published on 11/07/2019

» Thailand's higher education of today consists of five overwhelming rounds of the Thai University Central Admissions System (TCAS) and 200,000 vacant seats in universities nationwide. This is clearly a shocking oversupply.



Canada lists three whale species as threatened

AFP, Published on 07/05/2019

» OTTAWA - Canadian scientists on Monday listed three types of whale that swim its waters, including two of the world's largest species, as threatened.



Nature under siege as a million species face extinction, UN warns

AFP, Published on 06/05/2019

» PARIS - Humanity is squandering the natural capital that has allowed society to thrive, driving a million species to the brink of extinction in the process, a landmark UN report on the state of Nature warned Monday.



A million species risk extinction, are we one of them?

AFP, Published on 06/05/2019

» PARIS: Humanity is rapidly destroying the natural world upon which our prosperity -- and ultimately our survival -- depends, according to a landmark UN assessment of the state of Nature released Monday.


How to fix Nature and avoid human misery: UN report

AFP, Published on 04/05/2019

» PARIS - Revamping global food production, retooling the financial sector, moving beyond GDP as a measure of progress and other "transformative changes" are needed to save Nature and ourselves, a major UN biodiversity report is set to conclude.



Mass extinction, scorched earth: global meet to probe UN report

AFP, Published on 29/04/2019

» PARIS: Diplomats from 130 nations gather in Paris from Monday to validate a grim UN assessment of the state of Nature and lay the groundwork for an 11th-hour rescue plan for life on Earth.



World seeing 'catastrophic decline' in insect species

AFP, Published on 12/02/2019

» PARIS: Nearly half of all insect species worldwide are in rapid decline and a third could disappear altogether, according to a study warning of dire consequences for crop pollination and natural food chains.



Chinese hunger for durian threatens Malaysian forests

AFP, Published on 06/02/2019

» RAUB, Malaysia: Soaring demand for durians in China is being blamed for a new wave of deforestation in Malaysia with environmentalists warning vast amounts of jungle is being cleared to make way for massive plantations of the spiky, pungent fruit.


Smiling at danger, China’s finless porpoise fights to survive

AFP, Published on 20/12/2018

» WUHAN (CHINA) - In an oxbow lake along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, a breathy sigh pierces the surface stillness as one of China’s most endangered animals comes up for a gulp of hazy air.