Search Result for “biodiversity decline”

Showing 61 - 70 of 126



North American bird population fell by quarter over 50 years: study

AFP, Published on 20/09/2019

» WASHINGTON - The number of birds in the United States and Canada has fallen by an astonishing 29 percent, or almost three billion, since 1970, scientists reported Thursday, saying their findings signaled a widespread ecological crisis.



Oceans turning from friend to foe, warns UN climate report

AFP, Published on 29/08/2019

» PARIS: The same oceans that nourished human evolution are poised to unleash misery on a global scale unless the carbon pollution destabilising Earth's marine environment is brought to heel, warns a draft UN report obtained by AFP.



Dam-building race threatens the Mekong River

Published on 19/08/2019

» The Mekong River is a lifeline to many communities in Southeast Asia. But an ongoing drought and dozens of hydroelectric power plants are lowering water levels and damaging a fragile ecosystem.



Forest peoples key to climate solutions

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 13/08/2019

» With Greenland's ice sheet now melting at a rate of up to 4.4 million swimming pools per day, Bangkok could be submerged under water much sooner than we had thought.



China must be sincere on Mekong

News, Published on 17/07/2019

» Last week, the Bangkok Post published remarks by Yang Yang, a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Thailand, explaining how China and others are promoting water resources cooperation in the Mekong "for the benefit of the people in the region".



How tech can 'disrupt' our classrooms

News, Published on 11/07/2019

» Thailand's higher education of today consists of five overwhelming rounds of the Thai University Central Admissions System (TCAS) and 200,000 vacant seats in universities nationwide. This is clearly a shocking oversupply.



Canada lists three whale species as threatened

AFP, Published on 07/05/2019

» OTTAWA - Canadian scientists on Monday listed three types of whale that swim its waters, including two of the world's largest species, as threatened.



Nature under siege as a million species face extinction, UN warns

AFP, Published on 06/05/2019

» PARIS - Humanity is squandering the natural capital that has allowed society to thrive, driving a million species to the brink of extinction in the process, a landmark UN report on the state of Nature warned Monday.



A million species risk extinction, are we one of them?

AFP, Published on 06/05/2019

» PARIS: Humanity is rapidly destroying the natural world upon which our prosperity -- and ultimately our survival -- depends, according to a landmark UN assessment of the state of Nature released Monday.


How to fix Nature and avoid human misery: UN report

AFP, Published on 04/05/2019

» PARIS - Revamping global food production, retooling the financial sector, moving beyond GDP as a measure of progress and other "transformative changes" are needed to save Nature and ourselves, a major UN biodiversity report is set to conclude.