Search Result for “billion”

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Thailand's political landscape rivals that of 'Hamlet'

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 02/06/2015

» I was recently invited by the British ambassador to attend a performance of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' organised by The British Council and the British embassy at Chulalongkorn University. I must admit to never having seen Hamlet but I'm glad I finally did because it rather reminded me in parts of what's happening here in Thailand.


In decrying corruption, elites must show consistency

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 22/03/2014

» Let me be clear: I despise corruption and suffer from it like the rest of us. Let me be even clearer: I’d like to see Thailand rid itself of the deeply corrupt and incompetent elements of the “Thaksin regime”.


Root cause of corruption is an uninformed citizenry

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 21/11/2013

» Two of my dearest friends to this day are directly involved in the rally on Ratchadamnoen Avenue. Needless to say they are Democrats.



Everyone suffers when lunatics run the asylum

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 14/09/2013

» Thailand has reached a tipping point. A point of no return, and from here it could just be a race to the bottom. As a society and as a democracy, we're damaged goods. We're essentially Humpty Dumpty that can't be put back together again. Why do I say this? Just look around. The lunatics are running the asylum.



Rice scheme critics need a dose of empathy

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 02/07/2013

» The Yingluck Shinawatra administration's rice-pledging scheme has received virtually universal condemnation from Thailand's intellectual cognoscenti, ranging from university professors to leading figures in prominent think tanks.


How about a few new laws for Thailand?

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 19/01/2013

» The following are some of the new laws which I think if judiciously implemented would make a lot of sense and bring happiness to the general public. No doubt readers will be able to come up with some of their own new laws too.