Search Result for “big”

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Hands up, it's the moral police!

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 10/12/2014

» Over the weekend, one of Thailand's biggest music events, Big Mountain Music Festival (BMMF), drew huge crowds.


Big girl, you are beautiful

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 02/09/2014

» I am fat. I am overweight. I am big. I am obese. I am large. I am big-boned.


Discretion is the better part of valour

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 08/11/2013

» While Thailand is currently buzzing with the anti-amnesty bill protests, this week another news item also captured my attention. It would have been elevated to talk-of-the-town status if it weren't for the current political quagmire.


Dreaming of a better Bangkok

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 23/01/2013

» The race to be Bangkok governor is about to heat up. The first day of application saw 18 hopefuls put their names down to run for the desired spot.


A lot to unlike about F***book

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 22/08/2012

» The internet. You can't live with it. You can't live without it. "With or without you," as Bono would croon, we are screwed.


Sound off your support

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 08/08/2012

» For Thais, Japan is a Shangri-La. I've lost count of how many people I know who have fallen head over heels for this lovely land, its diverse culture, food, social conscience, mindful citizens and working infrastructure.


Denial in the land of drama

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 30/05/2012

» For the past few days, I've said, typed and read her name so much that it feels like I, as a non-fan, must have been related to Lady Gaga in a past life, paying dearly for it now.


Singledom and the city

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 09/05/2012

» Thanks to my upbringing, I've never been a mall rat. I don't find the prospects of wading through all sorts of people to get a glimpse of whatever dreams they're selling all that appealing. As much as I like buying rubbish I don't need, I tend to know exactly what I want, and order online.


Songkran dampens spirits

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 11/04/2012

» For the love of God, why are you still reading "Noise"? Shouldn't you be out lounging on the beach or preparing for the upcoming Songkran water war?



Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 29/02/2012

» For the past two weeks, Thailand has been plagued with K-pop news. It shouldn't be a big thing since Korean pop culture has consumed Thailand for many years now. All things Korean have had stark influences over the Thai entertainment industry to an extent that we don't dare to admit.